It can be two things

Autechre c. 2007

Autechre c. 2007

Autechre c. 1999

Autechre c. 1999

Autechre c. 1993

Autechre c. 1993

That is the name of the show! Hey!

That is the name of the show! Hey!

… sucks. No doubt about it.

… sucks. No doubt about it.

"Ugh, what is this? It tastes like ass…"

"Ugh, what is this? It tastes like ass…"

Is this what's meant by grading on a curve?

Is this what's meant by grading on a curve?

0.001 Danzigs.

0.001 Danzigs.

… and this is how we got the Star Wars prequels.

… and this is how we got the Star Wars prequels.

Well, you might not die but you do start to smell funny.

Well, you might not die but you do start to smell funny.