
Anachronism is to be expected in a realm where warping through the many overlapping timestreams is as commonplace as texting someone. After a while the present becomes a stew.

While I definitely wouldn't endorse Rodriguez being at the helm, it'd be cool to see a highly stylized, stunning adaptation of Blueberry.

That Urbain Grandier is a better role model than Batman could ever be.

If I were the Make-A-Wish Wizard I'd suggest all of the kids take a trip in my time warp device to the 17th Century, where kids didn't get to make wishes before the plague took them to the river Styx where they would spend many dreary centuries paddling themselves through the river Styx because their families could

I love that Heller is covering this show, man.

But to embrace and discuss cinema that makes an attempt to broaden the horizons and showcase an individual's talent for the craft would be so uncool. You can't honestly expect somebody like this, who processes this media and data through thinly veiled irony to allow themselves to cry passionate pleas for films that

Their mustard is the shit.

I feel ignorant thinking it while I'm watching these old disney movies, but the music all sounds like haunting, screeching lo-fi nursery rhymes to me, especially when they include vocals. When I was a kid I would avoid watching them at night because they made me feel unsafe.

My pelvic region digs.

If you like chutney.

Why do you love taurus?

That's harsh.

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?

I do not agree with you, or with the idea of exterminating all Cancers (♋).

Yes :D

I think that Boyhood, Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, Edge of Tomorrow, 22 Jump Street, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes with its pretty positive buzz, and The Dance of Reality have put this Summer above the mediocre spectrum.

…Its not going to stop…
..Til you wise up…


Second he opens the door you slam him with this line, "Money talks, you don't"(or something) then follow it up with a syringe filled with bleach to the voice box. He should be rattled. With the blunt side of the hatchet in your other hand get him in the shins and calculate it so that his jaw lands square into your