
Boyhood validates the last 12 years of human existence(so fucking glad it finally opened up near me), and makes one of the best summers for films, when you throw into the mix The Dance of Reality, The Unknown Known, Locke, No Lovers Left Alive, Frank and, (based on personal anticipation) Coherence once its available

Understood, and a good way of looking at it. Sorry for the rudeness. I'm an irritable douche about the littlest things.

Actually, K. Kyrswek is pretty braindead. I must be on some sort of gas to be defending him, not that the unironic use of the term "cismale" is something I can ever take seriously. I celebrate Kryswek's departure while appreciating those who speak their minds without being fuckwits all the meanwhile.

I've never made a claim to "leave" a website/community, because that would be silly. But users like you, who have this sort of seniority remain stagnant and unable to take a stance against anything. Its all about apathy and allowing things to remain the same, or plummet, so long as inertia takes its course and no

Its disheartening that apathetic asswipes are what remains when people with enough backbone to express themselves are driven to leave. But you get the upvotes for your apathy, so public opinion seems to be on your side.

What exactly set Feig apart from "any old jerk"? Has he ever actually set himself apart from others in his craft as a director of comedy, apart from the casting choices? The most inspired decision that I could muster out of his career was developing Freaks & Geeks thanks to inspiration from a Fassbinder film, but

Two other films that do something interesting with them are Harold's Gone Stiff and Halley. I can only imagine a full length feature based on this trailer would really lay on the schmaltzy melodrama when tackling the premise of a family being torn asunder by a zombie outbreak, which I believe 28 Weeks Later did well

And based on Feig's recent/in the pipeline output, inevitably remind us that he is trying way to hard to remind us that Melissa McCarthy is the best thing in the world of comedy since sliced bread. Apart from Bridesmaids(which I found about as funny as The Hangover, so terribly bleh), his track record isn't that

The conductors/voters on this poll appear to have far, far from the most eclectic of tastes is the easy way to explain this, which makes the Sight & Sound poll a natural follow up newswire.

If some mad man came up with a way to make Blitzball a real thing then I would be totally down it up. I would imagine it being pretty fun flipping around and feeling like a fish in the water.

Don't doubt people's abilities to be capable of interpreting things in such a way that they may be able to deem themselves offended.

As far as television goes: The Chris Gethard Show is a really positive and joyful experience helped by its sense of community. Always makes me feel great. MASH was always my comfort viewing, Alan Alda's Hawkeye Pierce being one of my favorite characters on television as the series went on. Boy Meets World,

Its like the karma llama is making its rounds with filmmakers with all of these talented directors getting their due with big budget candy.

i dunno :(

One thing Star Wars movies are actually lacking is an abundance of unique alien bird species. Have you seen those Birds of Paradise? Those beauties are asking to be modeled after for their extraterrestrial companions.

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FIFA Ultimate Team, EA SPORTS UFC, Need for Speed Rivals, Plants vs.
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Treating video games as if they're just like any film or television series you can fucking marathon over a weekend with this subscription based shit is why you shitty fat cats aren't capable of churning out anything with a heart and soul. Give me a game that was baked from a womb you vultures. EA needs to vanquish

Almost made it through all of "Berlin Alexanderplatz" uninterrupted but with 3 hours left I couldn't help but take a powernap.

It helps to watch them alone and form dialogues with the characters as if they were your friends. Lose a piece of yourself by the time they end because of what you've put into it and slowly disassociate with the line between what is real and what isn't.

I have a huge mancrush on Gentle Herpes for no reason.