
Quick! Put this in your mouth!

the work yahoo? ehehehhe huh
uh wha the WORK yahoo? dohohoho ummm… yeah uh… about that: WORK
yea.. uh whhat? lol, work, yahoo Abort Abrt Does Not Compute

they can cuss and show ding dongs now. it can only go up from here

my boner is so wasted

waht if there were no povs but your own? like people to project an idea hologramsof you cuz theyre ded? when sum1 phases out you lose one thread in the whole theatricalj element of your being here and lik for more to dies until its just you.. then if just you you cant reallly see yourself cuz your in your head.. so

Maladroit came out when I was ten and the muppets in the Hashpipe video filled me with a literal childlike glee. And the cd would run in the background as I played Klonoa 2. I was too young for 9/11 to truly sink in. The world was my oyster, and playgrounds were my hunting grounds.

This trailer overstayed its welcome, much like your average SNL skit— but that's not a joke I'm trying to make. This trailer would have benefited from being shorter and throwing less at us, and not trying to incorporate the gist of an entire scene that features lip synching at the end.

Norman kills Marion

You found something written by Todd self gratifying? Surely you jest.

It says that asinine fools frustrate me and I don't give respect where it isn't due.

Todd is a dick & a hack and the a.v. club is better off without him. Who gives a shit, if he obviously doesn't give a shit. He's so subversive. Wow. Everyone be impressed by his edgy alt-takes on pop culture.

Dude shut up. If other people enjoy this shit without spoilers be respectful and respect it. It doesn't take any effort to be courteous of them. You're only being full of yourself trying to make this stupid fucking point, you stupid ass. Its not hard to respect people's wishes.

I thought she was dead. No offense.

Getting to hear Russell for the first time makes you a lucky man.


If del Toro takes pointers from End of Evangelion and goes mindfuck crazy with the premise he's established in the first one there's a lot of potential for batshit lunacy. I hope he goes down that path.

If you like soggy dough with the consistency of used diapers.

Any Chris Gethard spawn is magical spawn.

Yeah, I only go on subreddits that are tangentially related to my hobbies & interests, none of which include memes/internet culture humor, politics, or advice on my personal problems. I've come to accept that internet forums are a place where any discussion of politics will be heavily distorted & affected by whatever

I'm 21 and I've always found vloggers and these attention starved pieces of shit to be insufferable, no talent pions with no insight to provide anyone. I have zero respect for them and can't imagine a person following a youtube vlogger to be any respectable themselves. That goes for lets players as well.