
He still needs the handwritten lyrics for Song to the Siren and Into the Mystic before he can make a trade for the secret Coke recipe.

You need beautiful looking feet when you have a hook worm fetish, as is the case with all pedicured and well groomed individuals.

With that attitude you're going to die yesterday! :O

and Duckman!

Doubt it. I'm probably the most important person I know and to die would compromise my story. Its not going to happen.

You're delicious. Somebody should arrest you for being so delicious. If I dipped you in milk I bet you'd dissolve. You're so delicious, yum!

How did I get here O.O

Rectify deserves Dawes status.

Kick Minimum Maus's ass, Martha!

Yes, let the offense wash over you. ;D

Kick her ass, Mr Greene!

Cuz they all dead in the end iss wilt ::D

Damn, he's been hosting since the first season too. :(

I've never wanted to be thrown back into the stone age as badly as I do right now. When will we ever again see the chance for supreme global annihilation be the result of something so stupid? Once in a lifetime opportunity to drop all pretenses and let shit burn for least sensical thing that could start a war.

Well he made his point about the nature of celebrity and its hold over our society. All it took was ending society and giving Shia Lebouf the directive to go one step further by actually assassinating Kim Jung-un for this to reach its natural conclusion.

Like Mr Adams is going to make things any better. Everything that's been wrong with the site will probably increase tenfold.

This was very badass. Sweet share, Mr. Heller.


The canned laughter sounded very odd. As if it was recorded in a very large auditorium with the mic placed directly outside of the auditorium and with an echo on top of it. At some points it sounded like the tides going in and out.