
Kyle Mooney's flavor may be out there, but it'll be the best addition to Ben & Jerry's flavors in years.

Kiefer sold me with his reading of the, "I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea, I will always be with you" line. He seems to be a very great addition to setting the tone of this apart from its predecessors in a way that may make it even truer to Kojima's vision for a Metal Gear game.

I find it offensive that they didn't find a real conjoined twin with two separate brains to play the role. >:(

I'm failing most of the quizzes :(

Mr. Bear meets Mr. Bean; devours him.

Cary Fukunaga was another pretty essential element of season 1, having directed every episode.

Science rules!

It doesn't matter how many times it gets taken down either. Once its out there, its out there. People are going to dl it and mirror it elsewhere for clicks. You don't hit what you can't kill, you hit the audience and the people who support TMZ.

There was more to that devoted to the non game segments when you put in the streaming content segments. Time was also spent on showing off unoriginal content, such as the GTA and Last of Us rereleases, and the greater part of the F2P games that are already available on PC. Nintendo had a showcase, until it became all

Spending that much fucking time talking about that fucking Powers show(with, jesus christ, the most they had to show for it being fucking CONCEPT ART. I cringed at that reveal) that nobody in the audience seemed to give a shit about either, and then following that up with the Ratchet & Clank movie was Sony dropping

and far more interesting than those regular fan-made "minimalist" poster designs you find making rounds on the internet.

Only reason to watch Magic School Bus was for Carlos. Carlos was the bread and butter that kept that bus afloat. This CGI retooling sounds lame, but I'm sure nostalgia tools everywhere will weep for the resurrection of a children's program, before the novelty wears off as soon as it stops trending on their

People who use "I can't" like that are usually the worst.

I loved it. Lived up to the stupidity I was very much looking forward to.
Wouldn't compare Dumb & Dumber to Stella, but that sort of batshit idiocy is beautiful when done right.

Having read the article and having considered the following…

This is why I'm hoping he Malvo gets a send off similar to how Chigurh went at the end of No Country, with quite possibly Lou playing the part of Lee Jones, after some great tragedy. I don't think this world they've established has time to sympathize with the viewers who ship characters. They've all found themselves

Took this long for even a mention of the Eden line. For shame.

Topo! :-D

Hello, I have a fur coat and I,
Hastings Banda