
My new smexi charra o3o Alexei the Hedgehog (got the name from SHS) He is a good guy, he might look like a baddie but he's a goodie XD

DeviantART + Sonic. Nightmare fuel.


The dedication following that perfect hug between Louie(along with his expression) and his daughter got me misty eyed.

The only thing I know is that the ghost guy's entire get-up, what with that tight suit with the trypophobia blotches and hat, make him look like a total dweeb.

He doesn't die. He goes into shock. :-D

If that's the case then why did Todd assemble that O'Neal Bot all those years ago? D-:

Very good! :-D

Their film lists are indeed not that bad at all. Kudos to them.

I'd say that this episode was strong enough to really earn that appraisal and rake in rewards. The whole 'Elevator' saga was such an uneven mess that, honestly, it was easier for me to see Louis less as this untouchable virtuoso that he's been made out to be and as more of a guy trying his damndest to stretch his

In retrospect, Werner Herzog would have made a great consultant for Cosmos

I liked everything, but… hate the "pale blue dot" monologue. Too poignant and life affirming for my tastes.

I win. :-)

Aw geez, :-( Sorry. just a fan of Eluvium and Cooper's output.

This feature would benefit from more of a point counter point angle from the interviewer, rather than having 2 guys rag on one item for the length of an interview until they're straining to constructively rag on that item. At least that's my opinion.

Tarzan was a flop? I always thought it was looked at fondly by most.

"from the horror crowd".