

You seem misinformed and obstinate within this context.

You're just a fucking asshole, haha. Go sniff your own farts elsewhere you stiff lipped ass. I consider my own taste in films eclectic but don''t have any need to rain on people's parades because whatever they like irks my delicate sensibilities.

Fuck your site, pal.

What I'm wondering about is why Adam McKay has that much goodwill as a creative force.

Eww, that "shame" word.

With that synopsis it's a surprise Cronenberg didn't jump onboard to adapt this first.

Or maybe a Volgin.

No song has done as many things to cause me despair while listening to it as "Hotel California". Its a very painful song to sit through. Even having listened to https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Hotel California is literally the worst song. Ever. Fuck that song.

"“made during an unexpected but very welcome exile in a land I wouldn’t predict I’d moor my boat for long but that, given such difference and a refreshingly nameless arrival, gave me the opportunity to re-cognize my nature, to recoup my ascendance, and to disclose a new perspective over myself."

Shut up, stinky.

The video embedded :O

They've set you guys up for tragedy! -fingers crossed-

youre a pretty :)

Stop moving on with your careers! D:!

I wish Chip Ahoy would have more fun with non-soft/chewy cookies. I can't stand the texture of those chewy cookies at all. Need some crunch to balance out the sweetness. Let me dunk them if I want them soft!

Old taste test format was warm and fuzzy. More time with the A.V. staff :'(

That sucked.