
Only other guy I could see in his role is Alan Alda. Granted, those lines coming out of Alda would feel more fatherly and warm.

Common sense is really overvalued because it seems like we have this idea that the common idiot isn't part of that equation. The answer isn't right under our noses— get average joe up on a podium and let 'em at it. Its all fantasy. Your fellow man doesn't have the right idea and they weren't born with the goodwill to

That was definitely a bit you'd use if you were absolutely starved for material. It went nowhere.

A mobscene of people getting the supplies…. mom's house… water bottles and peanut butter and batteries?… getting what I was supposed to… never seen my grocery store that packed… rolling rock… blue cheese stuffed olives…. great forever…. maybe he is, maybe this guy… diarrhea is currency…. upton sinclair…. there will be

She could be a droid or a robot :D

The torture scenes made up a pretty slim portion of the films's overall running lengths from what I recall of the last time I watched them.

Eli Roth makes some pretty fun horror films though. Cabin Fever had all the inventiveness and charm of 80s gems like Street Trash or Bad Taste. The Hostel films get a bad rap. If you go back and watch them, the torture wasn't that prominent, and the situations and characters retained a comic energy to them. I think

Sure they could give it to a generic comedy director, but that would prevent them from giving it to Andrew Bujalski and pulling off the most successful rebound in movie making history.

He sounds like an abolitionist,

He does have the experience with macro photography to provide us with some proper ant-vision.

I used to hate bees because I was allergic to them. Then I learned to love them because they pollinate the world and keep shit beautiful. But I would openly say to a bee if I encountered him or her, "aw fuck, fuck you bee". But then I learned that some bees aren't naturally aggressive. So like, am I naturally

But us commenters, with our editorials and our blogs and our aliases need somewhere to display our condensed efforts to have a voice in the affairs that publications have informed us are of the highest interest. Soft targets and topics don't require a whole lot of prior research, forethought or investigation to latch


West of Rome is a gorgeous album.

The 30 Seconds of Mars track left more sour a taste than I would have wanted out of this trailer.