I want to know exactly how soon and gorily Topher Grace dies. I have nothing against him, but I can't wrap my head around him surviving more than 10 minutes in any wilderness.
I want to know exactly how soon and gorily Topher Grace dies. I have nothing against him, but I can't wrap my head around him surviving more than 10 minutes in any wilderness.
Maybe it was meta-commentary on the fact that nerds will never stop arguing about the Simpsons' decline. Because we just can't. In 40-50 years old age homes for Gen X will have televisions in every room playing the Simpsons 24/7 and the nurses will have up our meds every time Homer's Enemy and other post-8 episodes…
Were you working on the movie, or did you just run into Strummer at the bar? Either way, name drop approved.
What's the age range at the expo? I get a kick out of imagining 50-year-old balding businessmen having to empty their pockets of Twix and Pop Rocks.
04/08/15 will be the day everyone stops to argue about whether or not God has satisfactorily answered all our questions about the universe.
The candy expo reports are fun to read but always make me crave candy, strange new candy that can't be found anywhere. It's very frustrating for my weak, easily-influenced brain.
Combining raisins and popcorn? This does not please me, even if they are chocolate-covered.
Could you melt the chocolate to make a soup?
My friend introduced me to plain M&M's sprinkled in hot, lightly-buttered and salted popcorn. The chocolate gets melty but stays in the candy shell and it's just delicious.
It's pretty fun to imagine the dynamic that Ben and Hurley would have had in guarding the island. Someone washes up on shore: Ben plans to observe them and learn every detail of their lives, while Hurley strolls up and hands them a boar meat sandwich and a DHARMA beer.
Cried for every reunion and broke down completely watching Jack stumble alone through the bamboo and die. I was never a fan of Jack, but his transformation into a believer and hero in the last few episodes was enough to turn me around and then some.
I think general consensus is that the cabin is what Ben used to use when he wanted to pretend he was talking to Jacob; at some point the ash circle was broken and the smoke monster got in and impersonated Jacob in order to set Ben off on his hissy fit.
OK wait, I did think of another one - what the hell are Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawking up to? Just, overall?
Honestly, I just want to know what's going on with the flash-sideways and what exactly Smokey thinks he's going to do when he leaves the Island. There aren't really many other big mysteries left.
I don't want to see it based completely on the fact that I was really bad at the game and never managed to actually win it.
Lamb - Desmond finding Penny's letter is totally the top moment for me too, just because it's point where I was 100% devoted to the show. The handful of flashback scenes in the S2 finale did an amazing job of taking Desmond from an unknown crazy bit character to an incredible, three-dimensional person, and the…
I love how protective Ben is of Locke in the sideways universe. I really hope sideways-Ben and regular-Ben cross consciousness at some point, just to see their respective reactions to their alternate self.
Damon and Carleton have said that one of the points of "Across the Sea" was that this cycle has been repeating for a while. There's always somebody who is there to protect the Island, and there are always people there who want to use/understand the Island. The groups get to live there in peace until the protector…
This is relevant and I'm happy to have an excuse to post it: http://twitpic.com/1p13ng
I was waiting for Kate to follow up with "….and what about all the other people who were in the airplane?" when grilling Jacob. Seems like nobody's going to get around to addressing that particular part of Jacob's plan.