
Mikey B, any good stories?

It used to bug me that the main 815-ers were so trigger-happy and violent, but over the seasons it's become pretty justified on their part. Hurley surviving is almost a fluke, because most of the rest of the passengers, who also seemed pretty peaceful, ended up getting killed off. Ditto with the Dharma Initiative -

Plus a Richard episode somewhere. I'm gonna tell myself this was Lost wrapping up Kate as a character, and she'll have almost no role in the big things to come.

Ben having been a faux, Smokey-created Leader all along would be neat to discover. It fits with why Jacob never called on him, and his tendency to make decisions that didn't fit with the Others' plans, stuff like having them move into the Dharma village and be suburbanites.

Puddle, I think that's my new favorite theory, and a really likely one. The idea of people as game pieces makes me think that all the weird arbitrary rules that the Others seem to follow could just be them following the rules of the game. Maybe they go out of their way to kidnap any new people on the Island who can

Conan's skits and off-the-cuff stuff are almost always hysterical. Even though the Tonight Show was supposedly his dream gig, it seems like he'd be a lot better with a looser format that doesn't require celebrity interviews and monologues every show.

Having spent all week looking at clips of Late Night and the Tonight Show online, I would love to have a set of "Best of Conan" DVDs. There's so many weird and memorable bits.

The narration reminded a lot of a travel show, which was odd and the whole thing kinda fell flat. I really wish they'd given a little more time to the Simpsons as it's shown in other countries - those little dubbed clips looked neat.

Face it, nobody's going to manage to spend less time on the internet next year. Once it's got you, it's got you for good.

So, does this mean I can skip Sherlock Holmes and just watch Shanghai Knights instead?

The Locke strangling moment was great, but to me it was all part of the lead-up to the Locke/Esau reveal at the statue. Possibly I'm just slow for not figuring what was in the box earlier, but that moment of dawning realization that Locke is totally dead and we've been watching a not-Locke all this time was fantastic.

I'm in favor of the calling the decade the naughty aughties, or even naughties. When I'm 100 years old I want some goofy old-timey words to throw in my rambling stories and confuse my cyborg grandchildren with.

Saran Wrap would be cheaper
And it looks like it would have the same effect. But either way, it would be hard to miss a giant slab of tape on someone's arm.

Haven't managed to see Part 2 yet..
but Monk's poisoning in Part 1 seemed cheesy as all get out to me. I know a certain amount of silliness comes with Monk, but having him be dying from poison yet still going about his daily life made it seem like the most half-assed attempt at creating drama.

Southland Tales
I love that crazy fucking movie, though I'll never understand it. It made me like Justin Timberlake, not least because of the All These Things scene.

I read through the whole list looking for Planetary too. I thought it was pretty consistently good from start to finish - where does the argument that the best issues were in the '90's come from?

Oh god, I'm laughing just reading the straight quotes. Army of Darkness is way up there on the list of entertainments that make life worth living.

I haven't seen the new one yet, but I wonder if the quality is a result of trying to imitate the style of the original Prisoner without actually looking into the substance of the show. Everyone remembers the surreal look and the big white ball, but the show had more to it than that, which the TV Club reviews have

Well, arguably the rich and influential are saved because they are rich and influential (and also have the time and money to prepare).

Just heard about this yesterday
But I definitely have to see it.