
Lawrence of Arabia
I don't have cable and don't get to stumble across movies anymore, but Lawrence of Arabia was always a must. For a 3-4 hour movie, it goes by surprisingly quickly, and every scene is so very watchable. For some reason I've seen the first half a lot more than the second though.

I'm one of the 15 people in the world who liked the ending. It was a hippy-dippy love-the-earth message (completely acknowledged in the end credits) and I'm a sucker for that kind of sentimentality.

I had a German professor in college who was extremely funny, though most of the humor came from him making fun of students and telling random stories about Germany.

Seemed like a combination of highs (Liz's whole stomach meltdown, I loved Jack patting her on the back with the broom) and lows (Jeff Dunham, the whole Tracy Rule of Three plot).

House of Leaves was ultimately so confusing that I didn't really like it, but there were definitely moments of unease. The chapter where it describes someone crawling through a tunnel that gets smaller and smaller, while the actual text on the page changes shape and compresses to match the claustrophobic feeling is

I think it was a woman's head for a hat, not a little girl's. And it's a monumentally distracting line, since you have to wonder how that works, give that the human head isn't really hat-shaped. Did he just tie it on with a scarf like a really big bonnet?

The clown urban legend just scared me too, thanks a lot EvelKareebel.

Jurassic Park gave me recurring nightmares about velociraptors that have never fully gone away, so that makes it my top scary movie. Yes, I am a big wusscoward.

God damn, Harold. That story has some kind of special power to mess kids up for good.

With Transformers sucking so much as well, I think the new movie making method is:
1) Think up a lot of wowie effects.
2) Spend all your time and energy bringing those effects to 100% realistic life.
3) Take the first draft of whatever script comes along, because who has time for editing and rewrites when there's all

A little late, but ACS and Tristiac, you rock. Now to go find the episode…

I think sometime after he turned 60, he just decided that he would be living in 1890 from now on.

Huh, I was just feeling disappointed about the review because I love Christmas carols, and I was secretly hoping the album would be a great listen. But if a total stranger who likes Christmas carols likes it, maybe it's worth a shot.

Isn't there also one good relative who gets a beautiful mask? When I saw that episode as a kid, the simple theme of "good things happen to nice people, bad things happen to mean people" made me very happy.

Speaking of department stores, I'm trying very hard to remember the plot of an episode I saw years ago. I'm pretty sure it was Twilight Zone, where a man buys a watch on some floor of a high-end department store, only to find that the floor doesn't exist or something when he tries to return it.

You glue things to your kid's head? How gauche. The obvious solution is to get her a wig.

No kidding. Is there some unfortunate implication in using Bare Minerals that I should know about? Is it the brand of choice for the hyper-right wing or something?

Anna Karina, who else is on there?

Even if you can understand from a business reason (they need the plot for the show to go on) and an in-story reason (they all wanted to go back), it's still a little sad to see characters finally succeed in the one thing they've been trying to do, and then somehow backslide into the status quo. Maybe it would make

Must..consume…peanut butter…straight from jar…
Stop making delicious foods sound so delicious, dammit! This is why the Taste Tests should focus on gross foods only.