
My only knowledge of the family comes from this post and the comments, but assuming they're accurate, I'm on DCRJ's side. It's definitely weird, but I'm all for people being allowed to raise families in unconventional ways (excepting actual child abuse, etc).

I wonder who owns stock in Marvel. I like to think there are some hyper-devoted fans who will suddenly make money from this (assuming $30 a share is higher than usual).

Same here Bubbles, as much fun as it was to see Angelus return, the whole idea that false happiness would somehow make him act like Angelus without losing his soul never made any sense.

Dammit, Swing then. I still like to think it's evidence of his irredeemable dorkiness.

I like to think Jonathan fronting a ska band shows how his nerd mindset endures, more than it is a reference to the popularity of ska. He could have made himself a rock star or indie guitar player, but no, he went with ska, with its dapper suits and hats and trumpets.


What's funny is that the idea is so ingrained now that news articles about developments in robotics will usually have the scientists issuing some assurance that their robots will not be dangerous or destroy humanity.

Not film, but prophecies were so, so overused in the Buffy and Angel TV series.

Big red letters, white background and one or more characters mugging for the camera = terrible comedy.

I don't think that's the one. It's high-pitched, very, very dramatic, and usually goes with Armageddeon-y scenes of fire, buildings crumbling, great big monsters, armies marching, people falling, and what-have-you. So overused that it's completely lost any effect that it's supposed to have.

Also, Christmas MUST be celebrated with everyone all together on the 24th and 25th, or else it is RUINED and the children will be scarred forever.

To a certain extent, any place that isn't Southern California or New York is depicted in a bizarre way.

The superclean futures are annoying because they remind me of the way people in the '50's would predict the year 2000 in ridiculous idealized ways. Just because you'd like things to be uniformly clean and stylish doesn't mean they will be.

RichardD, I'm pretty sure that's just Sawyer saying it. A lot.

If it's a horror/thriller, the small town is creepy. If it's a comedy (especially a romantic comedy), small towns are quirky but peaceful. I love that Hollywood has this nostalgia for small towns that haven't existed for 30 or so years. Some small towns can be nice, but are just as often depressing and filled with

Automatic weapons in general are ineffective to the point of ridiculousness in movies now. Every action hero should just be stated to have mysterious ancient "walking between bullets" powers from now on.

Real life funny professors are the best. Especially German ones. Plus it always seemed like humor was a good way to keep the class awake and engaged. Not so much with pearls of wisdom, though.

This one is actually not familiar to me. Are there some good examples?

I can't listen at work Conrad, but is that the big dramatic chorale that gets played in previews over fast clips of the big action moments? Sounds something like a group of people going "Ho ho ho ho. Ho ho ho hoooo hoooo!"? (I'm sure there are words, but I can't ever hear them.)

You mean "exponentially", right Tom? Not that I do any real research, but concerned news articles tell me that the rates have gone way, way up.