
Does the island where they film Lost at least have smoke monsters and twitchy jungle-dwelling castaways?

Forget the food pyramid, some agency really needs to come up with very, very simple public information campaigns to make it very, very clear to people that just because restaurants sell something, doesn't mean you should eat it.

It was interesting to read that Mad Men has only about 2% of the audience - I haven't seen it and from the coverage last week I had assumed that it WAS an immensely popular show. It's a little strange to think that there can be so much media attention given to something, and still have it remain relatively unknown in

"Amazing Race-style scavenger hunt and GPS orienteering"

They actually do team-building exercises like that? I kinda thought it was a myth of the corporate world. So how does setting half the company at war with the other build team spirit?

This work isn't going to ignore itself.

Eh me, that's a great idea just for the spinoff possibilities. After that show gets popular, you can start another one where contestants compete to get onto the first season, and so on.

Dumbledore you've got me thinking I need to Netflix some X-Files. I haven't watched that show since it went off the air, but there were some great episodes. Too bad there isn't a "Best of" compilation out there.

I was hooked when I heard 'Welcome to the Zoolander divduh" on the DVD menu. I really wish Noel had been able to ask him about that movie.

I have bubble wrap. Lots and lots of unused bubble wrap.

Forget AA, how does someone get immured in a basement of a (presumably) busy bar?

A week of Bay movies?
Jesus, Handlen, are you OK? That much concentrated Michael Bay would give me a hate-migraine to last a month.

Nope that episode is the only one. And for whatever flaws it had, it beats the hell out of the season that followed.

Wow, if that's true Madson, Season 4 really is just a big old pile of wasted plans.

The Mayor wasn't the least bit sympathetic, what with being completely, unrepentantly evil and all. The dissonance of combining that with the Pleasantville-style personality is what made him so great to watch.

I kind of think Anya had a soul even as a demon - I don't remember it being mentioned otherwise. She became human after losing her necklace and subsequently her powers, but retained her demon sensibility on concepts like good and evil.

Morgendorffer, do they ever do anything with it in the later seasons? What bothers me the most about Xander selling the bars, and his other jobs, is that they seems to exist as punchlines only. It seems like it could work as an interesting background story about Xander failing to find a direction to his life while

It's an exaggeration of shyness, to the point that it looks unnatural. I know people love Tara, but her no-self-confidence demeanor went to the point of parody.

"And the heart-breaking tone in Walsh's voice as she screams for Riley to come back afterward. "

Xander seems really depressing in Season 4; it's like the writers went out of their way to make him a hapless loser.