
That's a really good point about the maturity difference—Buffy with her self-righteous, though fairly justified, anger really seemed like a buttinsky after all that Angel and Faith had just gone through. You see the character in a completely different light than you'd ever get on BtVS.

I'm not seeing a lot of responses like "WHAT?!?! How could you have missed or never enjoyed that thing and not have it rock your world?!?!?". People are mostly talking about the way they have a different response to some piece of pop culture than most. It's definitely navel gazing, but, hey so's most of the internet.

The matter-of-fact awfulness in some of Dahl's books is such a total contrast to the usual non-violent happiness that is children's literature. The idea of giants eating people in B.F.G. scared the living hell out of me and yet the book became one of my favorites.

That's another Q&A topic - things which are ruined for us by the fans.

trope, if you ever have to see it again, try watching the version with the fan commentary. I did that around the time the 2007 movie came out just to remember what the hell Transformers was, and while the animated movie is pretty bad, listening to chatter from a couple of fans who obviously adore Transformers is

I read On the Road in high school for no reason, hated it, and later found out that a friend had read it at the same time and hated it too. I can't imagine how it might have felt to a teenager in the '50's, but it has not aged well.

I remember seeing Beauty and the Beast as a kid and being wowed that the heroine liked books. Probably was totally manipulative on Disney's part, but still it was an amazing new idea to me.

I like to think that Bob Dylan does these things just to piss people off. And I'm looking forward to hearing what he does with a Christmas album too.

Just mentally replace him with Sam Waterston in every scene.

But it will be a huge hit with fanfiction writers.

I had to watch with the sound off, but I'm going with a general "purity of nature vs. the age of machines" type story.

Hot damn, The Prisoner! Is there a decent DVD set out now so we can follow along?

Amen, CR; I never get why people get so worked up over the religious overtones of the finale to a show that was constantly bringing up religion. Then again, I loved the fast-forward to the future in the last moments.

Or a large family of rich fat people, Ulysses.

Wow, that writer left no Dylan pun unturned. I always wonder if journalists get really excited at these types of stories just for the goofy joke potential.

Everyone remembers, Arsenio, even people who weren't even born then. I'll bet he does these kinds of things just in the faint hope that he never has to hear the phrase "Voice of a Generation" ever again.

Pancakes are what people who don't own waffle irons eat.

I'm going to conclude that Armond White and Keith Phipps will immediately become mortal enemies should they meet.

Is this the one where Donald learns to use Math Power to play pool? The few times I've tried playing I always think of that. Not that it helps.

Out of all of them, "Menage a Tues" doesn't really strike me as that bad of a tagline.