
Kareebel, what response do you get from anyone who hears it? Uncomfortable glances?

Parallel - Oh yes, the prom could take the usual "Under the Sea" theme to whole new places.

Mermen would be a great follow up to the Twilight series, the 'no sex' is built right in what with the fishtails and all.


Posters need to organize and just quote the entire script. C'mon, what else are you going to do with your Monday afternoon?


Nothing beats that scary reveal when the Gentleman floats past the window - first the surprise, and then the way he keeps grinning at Olivia (and us) as he goes by. One of the best little moments in the show, for my money.

Themes in Hush
Dammit,my browser crashed in the middle of posting, so hopefully this won't be a triple post or something.

That does make sense, and perhaps he addresses the obvious question that comes to mind - if the most successful articles are the ones that bring in the most revenue, aren't journalists still going to be writing crap stories in order to get more hits?

There are many choice quotes in that article.

Wouldn't that be a far simpler explanation than Obama? Hipsters are aging, thus their metabolisms are slowing down and rather than work out more they just act as if fat is cool now. Did the editor reject that theory or something?

I like that Brownie can now be used as a character type.

Daffle - it seems to me like the Times is more desperate to show that they are on top of fashion trends in general, so as to seem valuable to young hip people with money. See also the entirely pointless article today about an '80's-themed aerobics class in L.A. The picture at the top is LATFH personified.

Why not a swashbuckling tale of Captain Crunch, or perhaps a horror featuring Count Chocula? Pirates and vampires are pretty popular these days.

DPA that sounds like a horribly uncomfortable experience.

I agree, this looks like a really original movie. And who can resist a good dystopia?

Places in my home state where the movie was filmed are now offering Twilight Fan travel packages (including something called "Vampire Baseball Adventure) for tourists. I love that everyone and their grandmother is suddenly able to make a quick buck on this fandom.

I really have to start watching Mad Men. On 30 Rock, his character was handsome but nothing to write home about. The reaction here has me curious to see where all this mad sex appeal comes in.

I'm a little surprised to find out Hughes is connected to all of these movies that I watched a lot as a kid but have bad memories of now. I must have liked something about them, but all I can remember is the unhappy boredom of watching the realistic family squabbles that Noel mentions.

Is the Encyclopedia Brit one you mention by A.J. Jacobs? I remember reading it and enjoying the humor, but getting a little weary of the self-absorbed writing style. It's hard to describe, but it seems popular with middle and upper middle-class New York (or possibly just metropolitan) writers. Everything has to be