
Is there any way for the escalation to ever end? At some point both parties have to agree to back down before we end up with ads projected on the moon.

Comments on Angel's looks and his vaguely hurt reactions are the best.

The comments on earlier AVC Buffy reviews got me to rewatch all of Angel, and the first season definitely seems a lot weaker this time around. The only thing that makes a lot of the episodes worth watching are the humor bits.

AVClub just came to my attention less than six months ago, and somehow slowly became the place where I waste the most time. I can't even remember what other sites I used to visit.

TomWaits, what if I add hand covers as well? Surely that takes it to the next level of innovation.

Ukridge, I think you're on to something. Even better, Snuggies with legs AND feet. Cold toes are a problem area for anyone.

That does come immediately to mind on seeing this,but to be fair the Snuggie product development team does have a tough job. How do you branch out from "blanket with sleeves"?

Yeah Herpes, I think that accounts for a lot of compliance with hypnotism. You aren't going to win any friends by ruining the act.

The question is, if the special effects in the latest Transformers movie were downgraded to "Transmorphers" level, which movie would be more enjoyable?

I haven't watched reality TV since the first season of The Mole, but I would like to place money on there being some kind of competition that involves resisting various foodstuffs.

Dammit tibber, the only way I can watch the Dead Zone is when I've forgotten about that scene. Now it's going to be at least 6 months before I can enjoy Christopher Walken's fine performance.

I've been seeing various gourmet marshmallows by local candy-makers turning up at the high-end grocery store (the most tempting may be the ones covered in toasted coconut). Is there some kind of hive mind that decides all at once what food item should be unnecessarily snobbed up?

I liked it too, so that's at least three people.



Thirding the S2 love, I've been rewatching the entire show over the last month, and it stands out as one where I most enjoy the characters and their interactions, as well as the individual episodes and arcs.

How do those stickers get by without accusations of copyright infringement?

But those are not the people that are visible to the general public—it's always the Comic Book Guy types. Kind of like how any news story about some convention or other nerd gathering will invariably show images only of the most crazy, outlandishly-dressed people there.

Windowsmasher, me too. The daily strips may be bland and repetitive to me now, but I read every single Garfield book in the library as a kid, multiple times. That, plus the weird book with Garfield in genre stories (horror, swords n' sorcery, I'm sure I remember this) that always creeped me out.

Sandman was the set of comics I'd ever read (barring Archie Comics), and they were given to teenage me by my sister. At the time I thought they were OK and read them all, but I've never since felt compelled to go back and re-read them. Watchmen in my early twenties had the same effect. I don't think grim and/or