
The power to totally see through their parents' mediocre bourgeois lives, Arsenio, duh.

Fan conventions
I've never been to one, and I can't really think of a good reason to go; but the pictures always make them seem like good bizarre fun. But what do all the hundreds (thousands?) of people do there? They can't all be the hardcore nerd types.

Three pages
How is it that the comic review articles only ever seem to garner 30 or so comments?

War and Peace and Harpies!

It's been a while since Anatomy…
…but I think the spinal cord is a big bundle of nerves, so it would probably be like trying to cut one's wrists with spaghetti strands. Now if the patient were to rip out their spinal column, with its assorted bony vertebrae, they'd have a much more realistic chance at succeeding.

I thought Acai was popular due to antioxidants, antioxidants, antioxidants?

Summer blockbusters can sell all the tickets they want and I don't mind. But when a movie gets panned as awful even for a popcorn flick and still breaks records, you can't help but worry that it will become the new standard for action movie-making. I don't want embarrassing TF2-level "plots" and humor to become

Nice rant, Ron Mexico, but remember, ranting on the internet is a geek sign to be sure.

Megan Fox seems like a kind of culmination of the idea that attractive people face far less pressure to develop the other positive qualities that most people need to get through life.

Cmndr_X, what is your party's name so that I know where to send a donation?

Watch it Rowan, it's worth it. There are definitely cringe-y moments, but it gets to be just as absorbing as Buffy.

Are you saying black licorice in the shape of a pipe exists? Clearly I've been living small with the licorice scotty dogs.

That's a nice thought about the song, I hope it's true.

Otto, black licorice is indeed the greatest flavor, though I've never been able to get into the hyper-salted Swedish variety so I don't know if I count as a true fan of the stuff.

M&Ms as far as I know are the only candy that tastes good mixed with popcorn.

Zoolander easily falls under 2, but I like it so much that I give him a pass for it. In fact. it's only his characters in performance mode 1 that are really hateable, performance mode 2 are usually entertaining on some level.

This movie ha's been haunting the back of my mind since one traumatizing viewing when I was 10. I feel vindicated to know that its robots are indeed terrifying.

Galvatron was 110% crazy, but he didn't menace a lot of humans, which is an unspoken prerequisite for the list. Killer robots that don't kill people are just not as terrifying.

Jacob must have something else up his sleeve, right? If he really didn't want Ben to kill him, you'd think he wouldn't have pushed him over the edge with that cold "What about you?"

If anything, seeing her alive, aware and trapped at the bottom of a pit under tons of steel just added an extra twist of the knife to what was already a sad death scene. Though even as I teared up, I can't quite believe that the writers would kill Juliet and her wonderful love with Sawyer, and let Kate keep on