the herald

This show is so fucking slow and laborious now. It's like it was directed by Terrence Malick's special needs little brother.

Eugene turning evil is the only interesting thing that's happened this whole season.

No offense, but I think I'm going to trust the show on this one. The Joes seem to strive for accuracy.

Oh goody. Another "challenge".

I have no idea what the ins and outs of Glanders are, but that seems to be what they were going for. Someone else pointed out the sign on the body bag that said "Do Not Burn".

Screaming out "Don't mess with the queen!" at tribal is good TV, but remarkably bad game playing. I think she's going to take an early powder.

Maybe burning him would be too dangerous, would release the plague into the environment.

I'm afraid he's going to become the new Nina, part of the D plot no one cares about.

It's a genre choice, not an "issue". And it was heavily telegraphed from the start. Of course it makes sense for machines to have religion. The entire point of the series was that there's no real difference between humans and Cylons . That's why the show was so powerful and meaningful to me. If it's not for you, so be

The theological aspect of the show was there from the very beginning.

I didn't like the ending, but I think there was a lot of amazing stuff in seasons three and four, and I would be pretty stunned if McDonnell disagreed.

I just hope they don't chicken out with the ending. I know a lot of people didn't like it.

Maybe you should listen to people's reasons for not liking the ending instead of inventing your own.
1. The Final Five did nothing. They had no point, served no function towards getting anyone home, despite the fact that they were hyped for two seasons as the key to everything. Turns out, it was all Kara.
2. Fucking

That's very weak sauce. Sam was killed in the act of strangling the best friend of the dead girl he impregnated.
And who is even going to say that they weren't invited in? Not Sam.

It absolutely was. He was choking a girl to death.

How To Get Away With Murder:
Step One:Kill someone who is actively attempting to murder someone else, which is both legally and morally justifiable and not murder at all.

Yeah, I'll never watch the finale again, but there's still plenty to love throughout. A great place to stop is either the mutiny, as you said, or the episode where everyone goes insane with grief and Dee kills herself, if you're feeling particularly masochistic.

So you didn't label critics as cowardly and followers, because you incorrectly believed that they disagreed with moviegoers? That didn't happen? Really? You realize your words are still up there, don't you?

There's not going to be any resolution at all, and people are going to feel robbed like it's the last episode of The Sopranos.

Well to be fair to Dowd, it doesn't sound like the movie series has quite gone there, yet.