the herald

No, I literally described you. I even quoted you. You're obviously just a troll. Shame on me for engaging.

"That point would sting more, though, if the Collins’ future-shock world allowed for more ethical gray area". I know a certain reviewer that hasn't read the books and is going to be eating a bit of crow in about six months.

Yeah, that is nowhere near an adequate enough response to someone who is perjuring himself in court in order to sent you to prison.

Uh…that was you. You were the one making wild, idiotic assumptions about critics who disagreed with an amorphous blob known as "everybody". Remember when you did that? When you said they were mindless sheep, stupid or cowardly because you (very incorrectly) thought they had disagreed with the general public? When I

Maybe he's just lonely and likes talking to a lady on the phone.

I would've convicted. At least as of yet, there's nothing that impeaches Jay's testimony.

Or they did it together.
Koenig doesn't really seem to focus on the fact that Adnan is merely mildly puzzled when asked why Jay would tell all these lies about him. That's the most damning thing about all this. If he were innocent, his hatred of Jay would be off-the-charts.

Many, many people loved the movie. The audience score is 87%. So I guess that means most critics are snobby elitists who look down on movies that are beloved by the masses. Or maybe 13% of critics are that, and 74% of them are mindless sheep. Or maybe everyone just gave their honest opinion and you're just an

Well at least you know that about yourself. I mean, it's a little disturbing, but hey, whatevs.

That seems to be the case, probably. But it doesn't explain why his sister doesn't seem to think he's crazy.