we invented everything that you have now. EVERYTHING.
we invented everything that you have now. EVERYTHING.
WAIT A MINUTE…although the book Generation X does not even come close to my experience and I was kind of personally offended by it….it's a freaking cool label. DON'T YOU WHIPPERSNAPPERS TRY TO APPROPRIATE MY GODDAM HERITAGE!
Now that's something I can get behind.
People still read? Books?! As if!
They will get their best ratings ever, at least for the first couple of shows.
Is it possible to hate watch the show?
You insensitive dick! Do you know many dogs have tried to rape my leg?
Sometimes you feel like a nut! Sometimes you don't!
I'm gonna have to get a lawyer just to explain to me what you just said…at $250 an hour!
Why won't they just die off already?
I'm married with kids, my brother isn't and there's not a family function that happens without him thanking me for giving our mom grandchildren so that he didn't have to.
The decision to run this piece must've been hard. On another note, we may never know what "bust a move" is about.
Well, I think we can all agree that this gentleman has the best job ever. Besides Keanu Reeves.
I've seen it twice so ha, Edgar Wright. HA!
How dare you.
It is in Florida.
I want to know why Christina Hendricks has not been asked to be in the Pirate of the Caribbean movies.
It still does, it's just wrapped in a Finding Nemo wrapper.