
I want hard data to back up your claim.

Ok, I'll give you that.

Sorry, I think that's from an Al Pacino film.

Uh…without seeing it…I think I can justifiably disagree with you!

Beep bop boop!

Pew pew pew!

Big deal…Johnny Depp would pay like 2 million.

Was wondering the same thing….now that we know that the original was undamaged/not destroyed, does that mean that Jimmy/Kim can argue that nothing was technically destroyed? Not sure how that one piece of evidence would help him greatly but…I'm not a lawyer.

At the time I found it on Killer Tracks while searching for other music, it wasn't.

Exactly what I thought.

Revenge of the Sixth makes more sense.

All you suckers can celebrate May 4th, I'll be celebrating May the Sith two days later. Like a dark side boss.

Well la dee frickin' da.

Interesting side note? The theme is actually canned music owned by a company called Killer Tracks. Or at least it was. You could theoretically have an account with Killer Tracks and use the theme song for whatever you wanted to do with it, and I assume that means have it be the theme of another tv show. It seems like

Post a pic first.


Bow chicka bow bow.

The premise was interesting but the execution of said premise was AWFUL. It was nothing more than a badly acted soap opera. I tried to like it, I really did. It takes a lot for me to quit on a show and I was out after like 4 episodes.

For it's one, two, three strikes you're out!

Well, yeah, it sucked.