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    Paul was the better musician anyway. Lennon was all lyrics.

    AOL home page or maybe bbc.co.uk. It would have been in 1998 when I was 7 so the memories a bit fuzzy.

    I meant Romantic with a 'R' as in the movement that Austen was tangentially a part of, not that the book is a grand romance. I don't like the 2005 film either other than it is very beautiful looking.

    @avclub-dc955b7f2360f5ac6560ddd8272f6800:disqus Ah it's okay. While I think perhaps they added to much Darcy in the 1995 version it was the version that introduced me to Austen so I guess I'm bias.

    As long as your excluding the 1995 version I kinda agree. I always try and give each spin off a shot (Zombies was okay) but so far the only one that manages to capture the space where Lizzie is flawed but compelling and Darcy is awkward but captivating is the 1995 version.

    Really? I'm doing an English Masters and I'm thinking the opposite so far. I think it would frustrate people who've done a close reading of Austen's work and would more appeal to people who enjoy social media the vlog format - e.g. Vlogbrothers and Charlieissocoollike fans. Not that those types of people

    I would have thought pregnancy would have worked better with in themes of the novel (i.e. Lydia is thoughtless, Wickham is hedonist) but I guess the writers thought that wouldn't have worked in their arc they've got going. Rather than playing Lydia as also a victim of her parent's lack of control and of Wickham's

    Yeah it's not great. Towards the end the only thing that amused me was seeing which parts of the book it left in.

    "Indeed, it seems like the entirety of that nation sits down on its collective couch on Dec. 15 and doesn’t stop watching TV until January 1, when all good Britons look up and stare in befuddlement at the arrival of a new year."

    "Indeed, it seems like the entirety of that nation sits down on its collective couch on Dec. 15 and doesn’t stop watching TV until January 1, when all good Britons look up and stare in befuddlement at the arrival of a new year."

    This review is beautiful.

    This review is beautiful.

    Well it hard if you are a certain kind of person, if you fit the profile you will find it is pretty damn easy to get punished for petty crimes.

    Well it hard if you are a certain kind of person, if you fit the profile you will find it is pretty damn easy to get punished for petty crimes.

    Hey money is money. There aren't a lot of jobs around for British actors who can't do RP.

    Hey money is money. There aren't a lot of jobs around for British actors who can't do RP.

    It's a really great film though. The story is he might be getting deported and all the feeling and drama to do with his relationship with his dead brother. I would really recommend it.

    It's a really great film though. The story is he might be getting deported and all the feeling and drama to do with his relationship with his dead brother. I would really recommend it.

    This is the message I got when clicking that link: "THE WEBSITE IS OFFLINE BY REQUIREMENT OF THE NICKELBACK LAWYERS. We are in contact with them to try to reactivate it. Thanks everyone who player and helped to share this frolic"

    This is the message I got when clicking that link: "THE WEBSITE IS OFFLINE BY REQUIREMENT OF THE NICKELBACK LAWYERS. We are in contact with them to try to reactivate it. Thanks everyone who player and helped to share this frolic"