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    They both have Indian names? (Freddies being Farrokh Bulsara) I don't know, I don't play Mortal Kombat.

    They both have Indian names? (Freddies being Farrokh Bulsara) I don't know, I don't play Mortal Kombat.

    Me neither but I am Scottish so I guess it is just less of a thing here.

    Me neither but I am Scottish so I guess it is just less of a thing here.

    I agree Declan need to get the heave-ho and let the writer creative energy be put into giving Nolan and Daniel better story lines. Not that what they've got going now is bad but, y'know, Declan.

    I agree Declan need to get the heave-ho and let the writer creative energy be put into giving Nolan and Daniel better story lines. Not that what they've got going now is bad but, y'know, Declan.

    Who is your friends least favourite character?

    Who is your friends least favourite character?

    "sending them out looking for police boxes in vain?"

    "sending them out looking for police boxes in vain?"

    I went to school in the 90's/00's and if you came in early enough and qualified for free school lunches you could get free breakfast's. A surprisingly large amount for kids got them at my school although most of them could have gotten breakfast at home if they had wanted to (I think I knew only two who actually needed

    I went to school in the 90's/00's and if you came in early enough and qualified for free school lunches you could get free breakfast's. A surprisingly large amount for kids got them at my school although most of them could have gotten breakfast at home if they had wanted to (I think I knew only two who actually needed

    Do you really think that BJ will do it though? I mean if he does he will, sadly, win since people love him but I just don't see him getting the support of the party because he is known as an utter slimy bastard behind doors.

    Do you really think that BJ will do it though? I mean if he does he will, sadly, win since people love him but I just don't see him getting the support of the party because he is known as an utter slimy bastard behind doors.

    "Or should I just look for the inevitable fan fiction online?" Don't do this it will only hurt you.

    "Or should I just look for the inevitable fan fiction online?" Don't do this it will only hurt you.

    Y'know the more that I think about it the more I realise your right. It's sad really because he was very good in Trainspotting.

    Y'know the more that I think about it the more I realise your right. It's sad really because he was very good in Trainspotting.