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    Did he get paid more than Jackie? Well overall Jackie probably got paid more since his stunt team did Rush Hour.

    I think making Fitz look like a raging hypocrite is the point though. I mean look at that scene where he basicly makes Olivia pull out the fact that, yes, he wants to stop Mellie's affair with Andrew because it makes him feel weak. The nerve of the guy.

    Aww I like Josh.

    So what happened to Dawn?

    If a TV show's intro is supposed to make you want to watch the rest of the show then True Blood's failed as it was never a show I really go into. However as an intro it really understands the tone that the early seasons tried to set around its little vamp tail.

    Oh please! That is how he acts among he friends! He is honest and brash but what people forget is that as readers we were in a privileged position of knowing how he really felt and wanted to act.

    Not really, Sherlock was pretty pleasant as an acquaintance in the original books. Unless you were a police detective or a villain.

    I agree, especially since usually the family friends ratio is waaay in the family's favour so your chances of finding someone worth "hooking up" with is a lot less than a usual socially acceptable to be drunk situation.

    "Here’s a discussion question for you that should be of interest to both experts and newbies: What real world analogs do you see for the religions of Westeros?"

    "But in telling Tyrion, is he trying to indicate that he’s an ally, or one to be feared?"

    Why do people say England like it is exchangeable with the term Britain?

    I just don't why they didn't make this show a period piece.

    It's sounds like Vice.

    "The presence of the cleaners throughout the episode would be a good one even without the ultimate twist of Ben pissing one off. Jamie switching to polite mode when he bumps into one is priceless."

    "The presence of the cleaners throughout the episode would be a good one even without the ultimate twist of Ben pissing one off. Jamie switching to polite mode when he bumps into one is priceless."

    Poor Julian, people always forget he exists even though compared to Sean he is a better artist.

    I'll work for you guys.

    My worst experience was with Video Game High School.

    What happened between them?

    I'll guess the film didn't mention any of his wife beating?