Bed Bath and Beyonce

Stoner, by John Williams.

Your years of conditioning of puritanical-outrage-masking-as feminism is showing. I am picturing you with your finger starting to wag involuntarily . . . like the arm of the German scientist in Doctor Strangelove.

no just women (and men) who are jerks. Hard to stomach that huh? That equality means equal treatment, not special treatment? This, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of what happens when American Puritanism meets Feminism — the worst of both worlds — anything sexual is off-limits, and women become

Yeah, another way the movie was pretty fucking cool — people weren't one-dimensional monsters because they had flaws. Hot Lips was a stick-in-the-mud, but she was a great surgeon, and eventually came around, at which people didn't tease her anymore. This is incidentally what happens when you don't have skin as thin

oh my goodness — against the law? Oh heavens to Betsy, if it's against the law, then it must be bad, right? You realize that you just keep citing (clinging?) to rules, rules, and more rules?

What's wrong with a little sexual humilation? Especially towards a hypocrite like "hot lips" who was so judgmental of the rest of the gang while she was going and having a fling with Frank?

I cannot believe this article.

Edit: he liked to "butch up" by chewing on his glasses.


You're the man, dog!

You're a fucking idiot, he should have won an Oscar for that role, no question, best part of the movie.

And . . . Stephen freakin ' Foster

Ali - girl . . .

Tombstone is the far superior movie. The script is just so much better.

1. Either Oleg, Kate, or Claudia killed the Jennings. Claudia is either lying, or the "man" who seduced Claudia was Oleg or Kate.

You guys don't get it. North = Merrick. North was a closeted gay man who was approached and threatened with exposure by the KGB. He played along for awhile, then killed the agents and flipped the next ones that came for him, which is how he rose in rank.

Don, Out In The Cold

Saturday night / in the Captain's Clothes

You're wrong you twit. the Van is the best. specially the ending.

what movie is this? because it sounds funny.