
I in no way dismissed her rape.

Oh you're right! Omega Red has adamantium (I think) but as a pinko commie, was obviously not a Weapon.

Where do the Belushi's stand?

I will substitute 'shallow' for 'vapid'.

Yeah that's the one I heard the most praise for.

Well, non-Arab Americans. There is not actual dichotomy between Arabs and Americans, though your statement does point in the direction of the problem, I think.

I think that's true, but largely because our society has done such a horrible job in teaching critical thinking and journalistic literacy. I'm not sure it's necessarily human nature, or whatnot.

Yeah to me the major problem isn't bias, because a) you can gather stories from multiple online sources to correct for that, and b) Allegedly 'unbiased' news sources don't and never have existed (see CNNs tireless cheerleading in the leadup to the Iraq War).

Wait - Sabretooth and Omega? 11 and 12?

J.P. you just laid waste to the implicit, yet ludicrous, double-standard being deployed here.

I get the feeling that's exactly WHY she got that assignment.

Um, it's called the Salem witch trials.

Oh please. The trauma didn't make her racist. The trauma made it acceptable to kick that racism into high gear in a public forum.

I see what you did there.

He also, for some reason, is ABYSMAL at interviewing celebrities and/or his celebrity friends. It's just painful.

Bullshit. If anything they should tax BUSHY beards!

I'm not convinced they DO try to be contrary. I think they generally review from a pretty middle-of-the-road place - at least for music. I find some of the reviewers here pretty consistently bias towards the music industry hype machine.

There's a huge difference in all artists craving attention on SOME level and an artist who seems preoccupied with their fame at the expense of all other considerations.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

Exactly. This is someone who loves fame for its own sake and has absolutely nothing of real interest to say about it.