
Yeah, high litigation costs assume no captured regulators, which is absolutely not the case in the US. I recall reading some pretty remarkable case studies of dangerous drugs released in which (even in the unlikely event that the FDA or some other body solicits evidence not produced by the company themselves)

I'm a book reader and at first I was just confused. 'Wait… THAT happened?'

You're a piece of shit. Please leave.

In at least two senses of the word.

Go fuck yourself, Chicago.

Eh, I doubt he'll plummet. The guy hasn't really released a lot of bad material in his career.

Yeah but in doing so, he lumps in all the legitimate complaints - especially those about the shows classism - in with the misogynist drivel. At least when it comes from him, it seems more a coping mechanism than an argument.

I think J.P. was talking about the reactions of adults.

"Fuck You!" - The Bible

Of course you love Red Faction. Right on!

I have to say, I liked Phlebas, but kind of think Player of Games or Use of Weapons is a better intro. I feel he was getting kind of warmed up with the switch to sci fi with that novel, just in terms of the pacing and writing.


Worse. All metal sounds the same.

But Sriracha is already the champagne of hot sauce!

Not all of us have The Hamm locked in our tool shed.

Fucking rube.

If your comment is serious, then that is PRECISELY Nintendo's problem.

I think it's very rational! Good point!

I'm thirty, so I'm neither hipping nor hopping.
