
Is it a plus to be sincere if you are also supremely vapid?

Totally deep-sixed the new Future of the Left album, too. Heller was apparently too busy shitting over Badmotorfinger to notice, I guess.

I WAS talking about it being anonymous, but I think you're RIGHT! Good point!

The Huge Jacked Man of my heart.

I think the thing here is the way those bands EXPLICITLY positioned their sound and politics in opposition to that music. Though I will agree, that doesn't necessarily mean there is any causal relationship.

I was a huge Rage fan, and though I to this day think they were an awesome band, I have to ask: did they ever influence even ONE listenable artist?

Just to drive this home: totalitarian capitalism is essentially fascism (provided it is also corporatist).

What does chinese capitalism have to do with chinese democracy? One is an economic system. The other is a political system.

But, wait. COULDN'T they do solos?

Yeah man. How is THAT not a clear and obvious reason that it 'mattered'.

I think I would agree with you in terms of technicality, but I DO think there was something in terms of the FURY of the playing and writing in, let's say, Dirt, Badmotorfinger, In Utero, and even Siamese Dream that was missing from, let's say, Cherry Pie.

A SAX solo? I, hmmm…. I'm gonna get back to you on that one.

I listen to Rock, Hip Hop, Bluegrass, Electronic Music, Metal, Jazz, Post Rock, RnB, Blues, and fucking cumbia. I don't assume a 'primacy' for any of those genres.

I think it's to minimize flame wars and/or vendettas.

Or, you know, some of us have jobs and/or lives.

Killing Taft: Death by Chocolate

Serious question? Are they any good?

Hmmm… either you misread Funky's comment, or he misWROTE it?

Also: Fuck the Dulles Brothers.

Yeah that's the irony of Ike. He set the stage for the pattern of US-led and/or supported coups against (mostly) democratically-elected governments in the third world that would continue on throughout the 20th century.