
Seriously. Whatever it costs to keep Matt Bomer that handsome is a goddamn necessary expense, IMO.

One of my favorite "hey that's the guy on [insert title here]!" actors. I think it's widely accepted that he's the heart and soul of Grimm. And I really liked him as Haywire — he did a great job of making that psycho sympathetic, and his death is one of the last times I can remember tearing up at a character's death.

That anecdote was probably one of the coolest I've ever read on a Random Roles.

Witchcraft! That's awesome.

Never give up, never surrender!

Jesus Christ. Throne-heads vs. the Cumberbitches? There will be blood, yo.

Yeah, I cast my vote for Hannibal, already assuming that it would be losing, but it's losing sooo damn badly. 68 to 32%, at my vote.


I couldn't stop laughing at that. And the way she enunciated "Amen," paused a beat, then asked cheerfully for the chicken. Girl's got passive-aggressive skillz.

Those little parenting moments are some of my favorite parts of the show, and this episode had some great ones. I particularly liked Elizabeth's and Paige's little fight over the Bible. And that rant in the car, and Philip's calm-down-we'll-just-have-dinner-later solution, were awesome.

I watched the shit out of that show. It's simple and silly and never failed to cheer me up.

You wanna be a big guy in a small town, Danny? FUCK OFF UP THE MODEL VILLAGE.

For the greater good.

That Live 4 Ever ain't gonna sail itself!

In an episode just overflowing with fantastic lines, that was hands-down The Best.

I was mostly excited that we finally got a preview with more than one character! And Martin Freeman trying out his best North Dakota accent. Damn, I can't wait.

When Danny started spouting about the 21-foot-rule, Quarles' sleeve-gun was the first thing I thought of. But I had assumed Raylan would just blow him away.

I've read almost all of Sonia's reviews and have yet to watch a single episode. I regret nothing.

Here we just call it a "sausage in the mouth."

Oh, cool, I was definitely wondering about that short reply. The publicist limited you to just one more and our Will Harris went interview ninja and got three!