
That ending. Up to that point I'd been feeling a little let down by the Baby Boyd reveal (it just felt a little too hokey for me, as Alasdair predicted), although I did love that Ava got away.

It took me three days just to get the nerve up to watch the finale and now I'll never stop crying. Never.

For me, the best on-screen stories are the ones where the setting is a character, where it's impossible to imagine the show taking place anywhere else because that place is so vital. Cannot wait.

I was intrigued by the promos but then they started laying Chandler's voiceover—the one Joshua mentions above—and I was sold. Coach tells you to watch, you motherfucking watch.

I knew I wasn't the only one who caught that. It's no Ian McShane, but it appeased my Deadwood craving some.

Nuh-uh. Too sexy.

I would've thought the same, but I'd been thinking the same way for a longtime about

*pours out a bucket of coleslaw*

His despair was palpable. When he begged Boyd to just let things be "like the old days," I had tears in my eyes.

I'm so glad these conversations are still around. It wouldn't be the final season of Justified without you.

We haven't had a Danny dance in a while. I think the show burned them all off too early with that Diamond Dan episode. GET ON IT MINDY.

*gasps, bites lip*

Holt backing Jake up and insisting to Doug that he had, in fact, "been a lie guy to us many times" was just wonderful.

Damn it, not Diarrhea! How will we ever know what happens with Frat Buddy Pubes?

Definitely the best thought. I need more Claudia/Granny on my TV.

Wu! HARLAN! *cuts off braid, picks up crack pipe*


Now that she's good at working without Sherlock as a sounding board, I'm really hoping we get a scene where Joan is bouncing her ideas off Clyde.

And thus begins a third season of me lusting after every goddamn thing in Joan's closet. Those shoes were killer.

I must've missed the comments predicting Tommy's return, but it really did hit me in the gut (regardless of the age discrepancy, the actor looked young enough to be a teenager so I rolled with it). But I absolutely am bothered by the idea that Tommy didn't get a happy ending, that all Richard's hard work was ruined,