
The Z now stands for Zoloft!

They're pulling from Isabel Allende's book Zorro, right? Because IIRC, that was a darker, depressing version.

I liked this episode better than last week's, and now that I can see they're basically a get-to-know-Lestrade two-parter, I didn't mind the lightness of them. Actually, I think having him around brought out some new facets in the characters, like Sherlock trying to help his old friend with tough love and Joan hearing

I had the same thought for a moment, and was really dreading it! Thank goodness it turned out to be something else.

Wu! Swedgin! America!

At my old job (which occasionally covered TV/movies/books/pop culture), we received a variety of hit-or-miss PR swag. But one day FOX sent us a press kit of the new season of House…along with a replica of House's rubber ball. I still have that thing. Biggest hit in the office (until we ran a feature on craft beers,

One of my all-time favorites. I watched House right up until the finale, and as bad as those last seasons were, I remember the earlier batches (this episode in particular) and am reminded why I loved this show so much. Plus, Hugh Laurie as Dr. House was never not great.

B+. Though I was tempted to give it an A- just because of that electrocution moment, which sent me into the commercial break shrieking.

Very true. And yes, Justified is positively peppered with Deadwood alums. It's one of the reasons why we fans of both shows are holding out hope that Ian McShane makes an appearance before next season's final season!

I loved Luck, but really nothing can compare to the perfection that is Deadwood. Mostly I was excited to have another Milch show on, and Brendan Gleeson and Nathan Lane together sounded like it could've been a blast to watch. Bummer.

I came to the same conclusion last night — this many plot threads dropped abruptly or left dangling worries me. The Crowes seem like they could be capable villains (at least, Daryl and Wendy do) but Boyd has outwitted them so easily at every turn.

"Can I suggest one with air-conditioning?"

Hell yes. And if he had popped-and-locked while saying it we'd have had to shut the show down.

His leaning in to say GINA in her ear just killed me.

She wore something similar at the Golden Globes!

Yeah, this episode hit a good balance of him being driven out of his goofiness and into maturity, and I really like that it's his attraction to Amy that did it. It's been done in sitcoms, yeah, but it's effective here. I also like that Boyle's confidence hasn't wavered since his pain med truth bombs — he can still

"Yes, but my software is due for an 'exuberance' upgrade."

*death stare*

Yeah, I liked it quite a bit. I was legitimately surprised by the case of the week—I kept expecting that blond assistant to be in on it.

Gentlemen, please! Let's leave the McKays out of this!