
Especially when clearly its his alter ego. One Brad Paisley does the interviews, the other is BRAD PAISLEY the performer.

A++. Joelle Carter tweeted a photo of her shorter hair and she looks gorgeous. If someone took a razor to my hair in prison, that I then tried to fix with another razor, I'd look like a half-shaved hyena.

My favorite exchange between those two will always be

Boyle's face when he put that together just killed me.

"That depends on your definition of fun, Darryl Crowe Jr!"

I too was disappointed that they didn't really touch on Raylan's breaking bad, but I can wait a few weeks if it means that biblical proportion shitstorm is coming. At least Art got a damn good punch in.

That last stanza is really perfectly timed. This was awesome.

Better known as Security Chief "Roc" Ingersol.


Thunderhead! Stratogale! Metaman! No scarves!

Pssh. He doesn't even own a smartphone.

Yup, the Sherlock loop.


This is a good point. House was another one I stuck with to the end, mostly out of loyalty to the truly excellent show it used to be (I'd watched it from the very beginning). The plot became terrible, and the finale still annoys me to think about. But Dr. House as Dr. House, as played by Hugh Laurie — I never got

What you said about the vitriolic fandom is really ringing with me — it's an issue I see popping up a lot when I've been watching this third series of Sherlock. I know that despite the obvious Moffat/BBC connections, the shows are vastly different in age and everything else, but there's something about the ferocity of

It's true. If I can race feverishly through six seasons of Breaking Bad* in less than a month, this should be a cakewalk.

I'm the same way. I may watch some clips here and there, but that'll be the extent of it. I think we can appreciate the canon, and the many years of world-building, without having to watch it all the way through.

I've definitely heard good things. And Smith and his cast of companions have so many fans. I'm positive I'll like it, but somehow it just keeps getting shuffled by in favor of other Netflix offerings, or whatever's recorded on my DVR.

I really wish this show were the kind of show where the Doctor could curse — because seeing the Doctor scream I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING SKIN OFF AND WEAR IT TO YOUR MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY PARTY would probably complete my life.

I love Peter Capaldi, so I'm excited to see him take over. But I know I need to catch up first!