
I'll tack on my agreement — he's a fantastic Doctor. That's probably part of the reason I've yet to give Smith a try, I know I'll like him and I'm sure he's great but I'm still picturing Tennant in the role.

I've been wondering if I should give Enlisted a shot. Good to hear it's got some fans!

As much as I hate to say it, Doctor Who. As a newbie to the show, I started with the Christopher Eccleston season and burned through David Tennant's second season as the Doctor. But it took me considerably longer to get through his final season, and I haven't started Matt Smith's run yet. I love the show and I'm sure

Oh, I really, really wish we'd seen Joan interact with the homeless and/or that charity before this (if I'm forgetting a time when we did, my bad). I wanted so badly to be moved by her revelation about her dad, because it's an interesting facet, but I just wasn't. As Myles points out, we go from having basically no

Pain — lots of pain!

"People 'round here don't think like you do."

I love the idea that Rust is this giant cinephile a la Terry from Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Tom just wanted to make it rain, man.

And tossing dwarfs in corporate offices.


Good Christ. That sounds like a meal you'd be served at House Bolton.

Nope, books belong in the Bedroom Library.

Oh, Don Quixote. I haven't read that since college and I adored it. And To Kill a Mockingbird just stands up remarkably well with each re-read.

Junot Diaz's short stories are some of my favorites ever. I read Oscar Wao and really liked it, then read Drown — and it blew me away. This Is How You Lose Her was also great, but after Drown, it rings a little familiar.

Wow, really? Now I'm interested. I guess I'm due for a good sad read — I haven't cried at a book since The Things They Carried.

Terry was on fire. "It's OK, I'm due for an upgrade and my babies are on the cloud!"

I was cracking up throughout the entire thing. So many good lines, a nice central hook, some great mini-plots, and a sweet ending. A in my book.

I've had Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower on my bookshelf forever, I met him at the Texas Book Festival in Austin when it came out and he signed my copy. Shit, I should read that soon. Thanks for the reminder, Laura.

Bonne chance, mon ami!

This is really the most perfect reaction.