
If she did, she could dock it next to Art Mullen's SS Only 8 Months Left.

Oh, and when he showed up at the jail in that final scene. And he lost it. And then I lost it.

This is the show firing on all cylinders. Awesome from start to finish.

Of all the oh-fuck moments in this episode, that was the one that had my mouth hanging open for a good while.

I need a guy with black lung for those situations.


My go-to curse from now on. Coworkers who burn the popcorn in the office kitchen, beware.

And Jon was so sad, too. It broke my heart. Don't cry, damn you, Jon — if you cry we all cry!

Yep, we're gonna have that farm, Jay. We'll get that little place we always talked about, with Obama jokes and Bush jokes and — yes, and Clinton jokes for you, Jay, you get to make all the best Clinton jokes. Keep looking across the river, Jay, and I'll tell you so you can almost see it.

Wasteland of Cards?

The Germans' nickname for him is the Short Man?!

I'm sorry, the position has been filled. *slams phone down*

That bit about the needle still being in his arm is like an extra gut-punch. I'm so sad.

I felt the same way. I am with Myles in that I really would like to see them solve crimes other than murders, the way they did in the short stories (I'm not as familiar with the canon as others but I do remember that much). But the cases of the week have never really bothered me when they're not up to snuff. And I

You joke, but I'd watch the shit out of that.

This whole thread reeks.

And if the show's to be trusted, he can go down quite nicely on a lady. Checkmark in my book.

That top picture alone. I can hear the tweenage ovaries bursting.

He's got ALL THE FEELINGS. (At once. So basically, none at all.)

A Wilford Brimley, all covered in hair!