
"Crazy Person with mop" did you really miss that awesome "Nurse Rached" One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest reference?

Sister Sister, ruined my school years, I even sat next to a Tamara

I happened upon this show on Netflix and got hooked. I give it three more episodes before Zoe realizes that she isn't in love with NYC Boyfriend but is still in love with Wade and NYC Boyfriend will run off with Tansy.

So did Billith's fangs get bigger or was that just me? Also love that since Bill is evil Eric can take care of Sookie

So did Billith's fangs get bigger or was that just me? Also love that since Bill is evil Eric can take care of Sookie

Jareth for sure.But I have to say there still have a warm spot in my heart for Jordan Catalano, he was sexy and sweet but still a little badass

just one question, so now that the baby storyline is wrapped up why is a married couple who is trying to make a marriage work not kissing or trying to make a new baby?

An "Adorkable" person is never quite naked, she is wearing Tardis pasties and has her vag pixelated

First Nick is not chubby I thought he looked good. Also I give this show like six more episodes before they ruin it by hooking Jess and Nick up

thats is my guess, but that also will add another twist. she will have to swich babies.

that was the best scene in the entire show, i have often wanted to say that to some of the workers at home improvement stores.

i wish the people working on wardrobe would quit putting stupid scarves on Max

I am very disapointed in the casting of Dallas's husband

Loving the show but can not wait for this Tyler thing to be resolved he is a truly creepy character and the actor has a serial killer look to his face

If you do wear way too much mascara as they said in the show your eyelashes will tangle making it hard to blink. its happend to me

One question: What the hell is going on with Daniel's Harvard roomate he is so very creepy.
is he gay and in love with Daniel, is he trying to take over Daniel's life???????

I think that was bad acting

I like this show and i do keep watching for the Ethan Emma stuff.
1. Didn't Laurel's boyfriend have a weird photo of Sutton or was it of Annie? and why was that story dropped.
2. Anyone else catch the mention of Suttons father being connected to Annie by the guy from the conference

Are the writers going to work on this whole pregnancy thing anytime soon its all but forgotten. Hasn't it only been a week or two plenty of time for Bridget to sleep with her "husband" and get herself knocked up for real and or schedule a nice accident

I give it two episodes before they do it