
why cant they put in a phone call from the nanny?

Just more proof that network TV is going to kill us all

"Val Kilmer was the best Batman," says guy who had Val Kilmer play Batman"  that will continue to make me laugh all day long

I love this show, but the writers need to find something for Anne to do or get rid of the character she is underutilized and tends to now just be there as the pretty face.

shallow much, AI certainly hope you realize looks do not equal talent

 Am I the only one that thinks its high time Sue turns into the angry moody slutty chunk of evil that almost all teenage girls become in High school. Think of the possibilities for humor also I feel bad for the actress playing Sue having to wear clothing a 13 year old would have worn in the early 90's

like the show but for suburbia it feels way more like a west coast suburb and that is very irksome

I currently live in the burbs it happens.

I watched this whole season just over this past weekend and I was really disappointed. The story line was so odd and disjointed they threw so many characters in but never developed them which is sad since I loved this show so much in past seasons. If it gets cancelled after all I don't think I will miss it

I hate to say it but this was one of the best season finales I have seen in a long time, loved it.

agreed why didnt she try to steal some of the rich ladys clothing, and if they were both socialites why dont they know eachother.

My biggest problem is with Kat Dennings delivery of her lines its so un natural , though they are funny she is saying them like she is doing a bit at an awards show with …. and pause for laughs.

I am so glad the damn "Crazy game of Poker" song was on this list i swear i heard that song daily in college hate that song.

roundelay - a song in which a line or phrase is repeated as the refrain

I am really trying to like this show but it is to slow and stale is it possible for these characters to laugh once or react with some emotion.

The Modern Family baby was adorable but I found it incredibly creepy that the baby never smile throught all the episodes she was in

I agree that the letter thing is getting a kind of boring I'm glad they aren't shoving it in our faces and are letting it be a side plot. I think Jenna's mom wrote the note, she is always trying to get Jenna to be more popular and to dress more mainstream, show her boobs have parties all of the banter between her and

it was not as good as i hoped i was really looking foreward to this show, but I will give it a chance most pilot episodes are shitty maybe it will get better.

do it, its awesome