
Can't wait to see Harrison's story! Already more interesting than Quinn.

When she was fighting off the zombie, I wondered, why didn't she just attack it directly? Why did she have to slit her OWN throat when she could have just gone ahead and slit Zombie Daughter's— no middleman?

The whole tribal voodoo princess schtick is textbook "The Blacks are more primal and less civilized stereotype. In a world where everyone is magical, we still have tribal Magical Negroes.

Cyrus once made a passing comment that Liv would never be accepted because she is the "wrong color" for his constituents.

AVC demographic doesn't really reflect the rest of the world. I like the site, but none of my friends frequent it.

I don't know. We killed Declan on "Revenge." We might get Quinn yet!

I actually loved that scene. The mistress and the knowing wife often do have this tripartite relationship where they actually depend on one another to maintain both relationships. They don't realize it, of course, because there's a shitty man in between telling them lies. But in a deep emotional affair, neither

Were the frat brothers named Monday and Donathan? Because I DIED laughing.

If only there was Gay Cuisine, he could cook something he knows.

Right. That was the most terrifying and painful part of the show.

It's pretty well-known that white men would lynch black children, men and boys for any speculative reason. .. They'd do it just because they could. Have you heard of Emmet Till? Black Wall Street? General American history?

Angela Bassett looks so gorgeous, it's distracting. No matter what era they put her in, she BRINGS it.

I just find it interesting that when an Asian person cooks ethnic food, some contestant complains that they "only cook Asian food" and "have no range."

I'm excited for this! It's supposed to take place in modern times, though, right? I can't take too much more old timey tv.

Wallace is looking HOT…. and Deputy Leo should have definitely come back..

Dang, I missed it! LOL. call me for the next First Fridays comment section. LOL.

What about Glee?

Aye, Ryan Murphy has never met a Black person in real life, judging by how he scripts Black people/ women (speech, appearance, sexuality, etc). It's pretty gross.

TLC is solid R&B, not hip hop. Are you the oldest, most out of touch man on the planet?

Just goes to show how little career opportunities there are for women of color who don't fulfill a sassy stereotype.