
I think Lil Mama was a GREAT in the role… and ultimately, it was a fun romp. I appreciate that they didn't try to make me cry or take themselves too seriously.

Well, people were annoyed that Claire Danes won the Emmy over Scandal, so… now it's a "thing."

I am one of the few who watched this show real time from season 1. I don't remember a thing about it! I only kept watching because, Kerry Washington.

I'm sorry, but I'm LOVING Joe Morton in this role! It's great casting and writing because you see where Olivia gets her personality from, but he's even nuttier than she is. Makes GREAT TV!

Rob Lowe reading Donna's tweets, ftw. Hearing him say "ish" made it all worth it.

I'm sure he's not the first president to murder someone. . .

The best part is that after all that, none of the diners looked all that dazzled by him! These are middle-aged southern Black women. They are NOT impressed by some little boy flipping his blonde hair and batting eyelashes,

Her name was Liquorice, which made it even funnier! 

I do like Fitz, too. Sorry. He can be an ass, but it works. He's a complex character, and a bit of a child… and I'm pretty sure all presidents have a huge ego like he does.

I'm still waiting for Harrison's backstory, by the way.

I really want to hear more from David Rosen's former repeat client, Liquorice.

The weirdest part is that Dad is actually doing all of this just to protect Liv… Granted, that doesn't make him less evil, but killing and destroying people is how he shows love.

The more people hate Kanye, the more I love him.

So, I guess I officially hate-watch this show now?

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus , I remember the suburban zombies sketch. I definitely chuckled when the zombie leaned over to lock his door.  That's something to which Black people can relate and hints at calling out White racism.

Halle Berry or Hallelujah!

I love how this thread is so mesmerized at the idea of Black people liking fantasy and comic books.  Everyone is developing theories as to how and why this could possibly happen. Did Jay-Z help write this show or something?

Jesse is HOT in this show! Count me in!

You know how Chappelle walked away from his show because white America was appropriating his phrases without understanding the meaning (like screaming the N-word all the time)?  I feel like Key and Peele are TRYING to make that happen with their show.

I just can't with this show. I've tried to watch it several times, but they pander so much to white audiences that it makes me cringe. I don't know too many black people who watch it, myself included.