
I totally caught that.

Her dancing at that party was SO FUN to watch!

I love Poussay comforting Taystee after her hearing… She looks for something to say and finally finds, "But your hair looked cute!"

I kind of interpreted the mute nun's song as "finding her voice" after standing up to Red… I don't know why, but I did.

The scene where she asked about the nickname broke my heart into pieces.

That's what I thought.

It must be hard to be so persecuted.

Right. We get enough torture porn with Game of Thrones. I wouldn't want to watch this show if it was full of prison rape and lethal fighting.

It doesn't change the fact that white women are written with basically no life skills on how to interact in a world full of zany ethnics.

It needed to happen, or I would have lost what little respect I had for Piper's character.

Crazy Eyes is GREAT! But her character arch came so smooth, later in the series, that I didn't see it coming. I do hope she's nominated for an Award).

So you don't see the privilege that it takes someone "like her" to make people listen to life behind bars? Does society afford Black middle-class women the same audience?

I almost refused to watch altogether, based on the "Poor little white girl surrounded by the coloreds and lesbos"  ads.

Those fucking white people! When will they ever gain a plethora of self-awareness?

My only problem with Jenji Kohan is his worldview that white women are such delicate little snowflakes in a world full of crazy ethnics.  They are such wide-eyed WASPS. It gets old, especially when the ethnic people are so worldly.  It's exhausting to watch it.

… because he's the only person to ever have a stage persona?  Please.  His albums are genius. His persona is about Fame. 

Funny article, but TMZ reporters are pure trash. I wouldn't want them talking to me, either.

Vampire LoJack shit is my new band name.

He was on fiyah this episode!

Sam is hung like a horse!