
Willa's got to die… But… it will take a while, knowing this show.

Just go straight to the comments like I do.  The reviewer clearly hates this show and is watching it to get paid. The rest of us are watching because it's a fun type of crazy that you can't see anywhere else on TV.

Rock of Love is definitely going to battle him for packmaster at some point in the season. Then he'll come back with his tail between his legs, being a good guy again.

Right? Of all things this season has been so far, "boring" is not one of them!

This is the era of the middle-aged white guys trials and tribulations. Why would I expect diversity?  The very concept of being related to a Black person seemed to be HI-larious.

Did anyone else watch the special intro and see Julia Stiles speaking with a super fake British accent?

How many people find serial-killing to be "perfect"? Every season, there's someone who "sees" Dexter and loves him for it. . . It's like, damn. I'm a non-serial-killing, average woman and I don't get that much love from strangers.

Ben is DEFINITELY Warlow!

Bill really thought he was something special!  He was really feeling himself, walking out into the sun.  Then the fire and the flailing. I was CRACKING. UP.

Agreed.  This isn't a zombie story so much as a tale about how impossible it is to escape oneself.

I thought this series was brilliant.  Having lost someone close to me, it's an emotional thought exercise to imagine what it would *really* be like if they came back.

"When Jeff was inside of me . . ."

I'd be interested to hear a person of color's opinion on race relations in the U.K.  From my experience, those in the racial majority seem pretty clueless about the actual state of race relations.

Exactly.  People are defending the show by saying, 'It's a lot less racist now than 50 years ago!" … That doesn't mean it's NOT racist at all!

Berkeley, actually!

She sure did know something crazy was going to happen, so that makes perfect sense.  Kira shook the cops!

I appreciate how the writers don't underestimate the intelligence of the characters OR the audience.  I thought we were going to spend too much time trying to pin all the murders on Sarah.  But it's been established that there are indeed different versions of the same woman running around.   The cops realize that it's

Are you being sarcastic about the patents and the ownership of people?

I don't believe Helena is dead.  I think she has super healing powers that Kira inherited.  Get Helena some pudding pops and I think she'll be back for series 2.

I agree completely that it's time for Moffat to go… I don't think of Tennant as a ham, as he's my favorite doctor, but the companions and the writing have all turned to drivel.  They're all way too precious for my tastes.