
It was worth losing him to see Eric back in the game, for real.

It was worth losing him to see Eric back in the game, for real.

Maybe we can audition weekly reviewers in the comment section.

Maybe we can audition weekly reviewers in the comment section.

I do appreciate that EVERYONE in the workroom was against Ven.  Major side-eyes from all involved.

I do appreciate that EVERYONE in the workroom was against Ven.  Major side-eyes from all involved.

It's been established that Teti's quite busy.  I'm guessing that the more commenters diss Margaret, the less she'll like to write, because no matter what she does, she's no Teti. . . and she's reminded of that each week.

It's been established that Teti's quite busy.  I'm guessing that the more commenters diss Margaret, the less she'll like to write, because no matter what she does, she's no Teti. . . and she's reminded of that each week.

The client herself should have cursed him out.  The friend tried her best to pull him aside and talk decently, but he didn't listen.  He couldn't hear past his own ego.  When the judges asked the client how she felt, that was prime time for her to go off on him.

The client herself should have cursed him out.  The friend tried her best to pull him aside and talk decently, but he didn't listen.  He couldn't hear past his own ego.  When the judges asked the client how she felt, that was prime time for her to go off on him.

Dmitry's stone-faced clowning on Elena makes me laugh every time.

Dmitry's stone-faced clowning on Elena makes me laugh every time.

Wasn't Gunnar's model about the same size? I wouldn't know because he designed something FLATTERING for her! … (even if it was made of chifon)…

Wasn't Gunnar's model about the same size? I wouldn't know because he designed something FLATTERING for her! … (even if it was made of chifon)…

Only when it comes up in unexpected ways and is topical, like reviews of a fashion show, where "lawyer's fashion" is being discussed.

Only when it comes up in unexpected ways and is topical, like reviews of a fashion show, where "lawyer's fashion" is being discussed.

Well, my career field was mentioned (lawyer), but I'm telling you now— that peep-back cutout dress AIN'T IT! I mean, I liked the dress, but Heidi's concept of work attire was ridiculous… Funny, but ridiculous.

Well, my career field was mentioned (lawyer), but I'm telling you now— that peep-back cutout dress AIN'T IT! I mean, I liked the dress, but Heidi's concept of work attire was ridiculous… Funny, but ridiculous.

If it folded down into a cowl, I'd definitely wear it to work and my office is very corporate.

If it folded down into a cowl, I'd definitely wear it to work and my office is very corporate.