
So far, this has been one of my favorite PR episodes because I'm actually a corporate lawyer who works in an office. I now  realize that in the fashion world, I'm equivalent to a [gasp] "Real Person!" They have no idea what to do with my demographic! It's confusing and scary… and highly entertaining.

So far, this has been one of my favorite PR episodes because I'm actually a corporate lawyer who works in an office. I now  realize that in the fashion world, I'm equivalent to a [gasp] "Real Person!" They have no idea what to do with my demographic! It's confusing and scary… and highly entertaining.

Sonjia is definitely the one to watch… if for no other reason but to see her actually emote when she wins.

Sonjia is definitely the one to watch… if for no other reason but to see her actually emote when she wins.

Josh was a goner since his audition where Joe asked him, "Why aren't you playing baskeball?" and Josh answered, "Because I want to be a chef."

Josh was a goner since his audition where Joe asked him, "Why aren't you playing baskeball?" and Josh answered, "Because I want to be a chef."

Is that why they finally let her become somewhat attractive? They always have her looking so hard, mean and rough.  I hope that she finally escapes victim status.

Is that why they finally let her become somewhat attractive? They always have her looking so hard, mean and rough.  I hope that she finally escapes victim status.

You're so good at putting words in my mouth, yet not truly answering an honest question.

You're so good at putting words in my mouth, yet not truly answering an honest question.

It's weird because I'm actually watching Prison Break now (just started Season 2) and so I thought I was just projecting one show on to the other. But yeah, many similarities.

It's weird because I'm actually watching Prison Break now (just started Season 2) and so I thought I was just projecting one show on to the other. But yeah, many similarities.

Right. She was a minor and some old teacher dude was up on her. How is SHE a whore?

Right. She was a minor and some old teacher dude was up on her. How is SHE a whore?



Why do people hate Ashley? Just 'cuz? Cuz what? I find it suspicious.

Why do people hate Ashley? Just 'cuz? Cuz what? I find it suspicious.

Why don't people understand that Women's Clinics do 100% more than provide abortions. Women's Health means a lot of things, including an annual checkup.

Why don't people understand that Women's Clinics do 100% more than provide abortions. Women's Health means a lot of things, including an annual checkup.