
I don't mind Tara any more than I mind the other over the top characters.  She's more annoying in the books because she has all the trouble and none of the independence.

I don't mind Tara any more than I mind the other over the top characters.  She's more annoying in the books because she has all the trouble and none of the independence.

It's a testament to how bad things must have gotten that she wasn't there.  I admit, I was disappointed.  It seemed quite incomplete.

It's a testament to how bad things must have gotten that she wasn't there.  I admit, I was disappointed.  It seemed quite incomplete.

If it was possible to dropkick a headline out of pure annoyance, this one would have definitely hit the mat.

If it was possible to dropkick a headline out of pure annoyance, this one would have definitely hit the mat.

I knew it was coming, but I definitely shrieked.

Lydia strikes me as kind of Single White Female with Victoria.  She doesn't want Conrad as much as she wants that position of power in the Grayson family.


Once again, Emily and Nolan have the same hair color.  Did ABC just run out of wigs or are they making it a point to show us how much the two resemble one another? Also, when does a guy decide to get highlights?

Jiggly seemed genuinely hurt.

I'm a straight girl and would die to be on that show! I'd love it!  Only problem is the show is basically just actresses now.  I know several who have auditioned for it, so it's not "real" people.

I've never voted for TV in my life.  However, I did just tweet a vote for Latrice.. Then settled on Chad

Ya know, in all honesty, I could've stuck with "November Rain," until he (Duff?) had to jump through the damn cake. I mean, was it THAT necessary? You can't slide under the table, run around it, or maybe just get your fucking hair wet for 2 seconds, Mr. Hardcore Rock Muthafucka? The slow motion cake destruction was

You wanna antagonize me?! ANTAGONIZE ME, MUTHER FUCKERR.

"Estranged" or GTFO.

Still more coherent than Ted Nugent.

I wanted to hate it… but it was kinda jammin! I mean, as high as Lionel Richie can rank on the overall the jammin scale.  He sounded really good with Darius Rucker.

Honestly, Fantasy Congress sounds like a fantastic game that I want to play right now, but I don't want the cool kids to beat me up.

Problem is Phi Phi is NOT a good rolemodel for young queens coming up in the scene.  A win for her is a win for that stank ass attitude and I don't think the scene needs that to be glorified.