
I put a lot of that on the guest judges.  They just see the fantasy and don't really see the woman behind it.  Ru shouldn't have let that happen.

I didn't even feel silly doing it.  Those tears were legit!

Okay, I saw that elimination coming, but it still hurt pretty bad.  Real tears, ya'll.  Real tears.

The actor who played Ziggy was terrible and no post-mortem Wire analysis will change that.

I'm loving this show for what it is— fun, drama with a romanticized vision of DC.  No, this is not "The West Wing," and I'm happy with that. I'm just happy it's not a medical drama or police procedural.

To this day, I can't tell Zooey Deschanel (sp) and Katy Perry apart.  I swear they are the same cartoonish puddle of "quirk."

My friends and I used to sing "Don't be stingaayy" to eachother all the time.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus , you are correct, sir!  I've read that Fire and Ice bullshit.  I've seen the show.  I'm a long time fantasy fan, and I do declare: the entire "Game of Thrones" series is garbage! It's just some meandering, cut and paste, derivative nonsense.

I admit.  I don't mind McDonald's coffee.  There was that one summer where I grabbed their iced coffee every morning before class. Those were sad days.

No, white people can't "handle" anything they've seen associated with African-American people in popular culture because it immediately taps into their confirmation bias.  There are a lot of things that I keep amongst my own race because we know enough about our own culture not to stereotype it.

Every time I've been to Roscoe's, it is basically all white people gathering to see if the coloreds really do love them some fried chicken.  Once I saw a full family of red-headed Mormons.

Jennifer Love Hewitt looked like she was about to cry.  Granted, she always looks like that.  But this time, it was personal.

ESPECIALLY coming off that ignorant "the help" comment last week.  Check yourself, Ferguson.

When did Will Smith develop a lisp?

So is Ashanti going to be like the Fergie, coming in to make a pretty bad group into a Terrible Pop Sensation?

Well, it's nice to see a talented Black actor NOT playing a maid or gangsta… But then again, it IS the story of Mandela, so it falls into one of the 3 pre-approved Blacting roles.

Is there an emotional equivalent of "NSFW"?  Like "Not Safe for Soul" or "Damn, This 'Bout to Mess Up Your Day"?

Pop POP!