Beatrix Kiddo 9000

I have no thoughts on this movie. Nope… none at all.

I feel like I've missed so much of your journey! I kind of stop looking at Savage Love articles for a bit. Are you on hormone therapy at all or are you dressing masculine/binding? Just interested. I just finished a six week clinical rotation at an LGBT/HIV clinic and I was managing a lot of trans patients in their

Lol, so remember last week how I said "when it rains it pours?" Just kidding! The one guy I got really flirty with? Well, he discovered that his ex-boyfriend happens to be living in the city and now he's giving him a second chance! The guy I previously hooked up with who started texting me out of the blue? He was

This is just a dumb critique. Etta Candy steals every scene she's in and Dr. Poison is terrifying. Plus it's a World War I movie and they were on the front line of the war. There were not a lot of ladies out there.

Like did ya'll even seen the movie? Mister Babadook was NOT subtle about his sexuality.

A Hollywood writer showed up at my apartment and is now following me around and writing a screenplay about my hi-jinx

Not baaaaaad. Just little frustrating that it's all happening at the same time.

When it rains it pours.

Exactly! This is why I like Prometheus more. The characters made bad decisions, but at least they knew where they were going, and started out wearing the right gear. They had an actual reason to be on that planet. They didn't know what to find. They ended up making a lot of terrible decisions but the plot at least had

Today Ariana Grande finally became president

Are ties really that rare or are they just rare for the screenplay category? Mommy and Goodbye to Language tied a few years ago for the Jury Prize. Rooney Mara tied with Emmanuelle Bercot for best actress. It seems pretty common recently.

The cold open to this episode was probably the funniest thing I've seen all year. From agent Yermuther, to Kimmy managing to get both agents guns, and of course, to stepping on the crack.

Get a grip, get a life, and get over it.

I'm a cis-gendered white male who has performed numerous pap smears, I find this comment offensive! Also, I hate everything not about me.

The book was written by a gay duuuuuuude

Does he even realize that this kind of publicity will probably just help the movie at the box office?

It's at one theater and some screenings are donating proceeds to charity. The movie is called fucking "Wonder Woman." There hasn't been a Marvel movie starring a woman OR directed by a woman, this has both. Is it really that big of a deal that they decided to do a female only screening???

"Hey David. Like the long hair! Wait, why are you suddenly now giving yourself the same exact haircut as Walter? Eh, it's probably nothing."

I didn't think I would say this, but Prometheus >>>>>>>>>>>> Alien Covenant

"I've seen the devil…yadda yadda yadda. Tell me everything!"