Beatrix Kiddo 9000

But that could also be the point? By shoveling cake in her mouth and ignoring the bad shit, it shows how pointless and self destructive ignoring things can be.

She kind of touches on this in her book "Bossypants." She mentions that her parents are conservative Republicans and that after several of her Sarah Palin skits, they weren't happy and thought it was too much. She also tells a story about how she called Hillary a bitch on weekend update in 2008 and said the term

The whole thing was a joke. Do you really think Tina Fey is advocating for people to start devouring sheet cake. It was just her joking about how to deal with all your emotions.

He is so incredibly stupid and so incredibly racist its kind of astounding

Correct! I also haven't seen my parents since.

She is also dating the director of this movie. That always helps with casting.

Titanic sparked my first sex talk with my parents. I asked why they were naked in the car. So, Titanic is very important to me.

Does anyone think Avatar is better than Titanic? If you exist, just know that I hate you.

Beth is the best and most underutilized character on the show. I might just love Sarah Chalke.

Spoiler: Harry Styles had a lot more screen time than I was expecting and he was actually really good.

I love it when my Ignatiy gets all sassy.

Awww I like that scene, even though granted it does require a little bit of suspension of disbelief.

I saw Wonder Woman for a THIRD time in theaters (this time with fellow AV Clubbers) and it really holds up well. It's a highly rewatchable film and I'm glad it's doing well at the box office.

Missing Crazy Ex Girlfriend, but otherwise solid. Interesting that The Leftovers failed to get nominated in the drama category but got in for program of the year.

It's like those memes that say "I'm gay but I don't like shopping and I'm not a stereotype."

Also have to remember how much time has passed. Not sure what her hormone regimen is, but that could make a difference (i.e. 8 more months of estrogen and testosterone blockers). But that's making assumption as I'm not familiar with all the details of her transition.

If it's menopause related, you could ask your doctor to give you hormones temporarily to treat those symptoms (specifically the vasoactive symptoms) but some don't like putting people on hormones. Research has shown a lot of different things. It's annoying but it's not like you can't take the CPAP machine off. It's

Get a sleep study done. The only way to diagnose sleep apnea is if they can record moments of you not breathing while you sleep. Snoring does not mean you aren't breathing. So, it would be good to get a definitive diagnosis.

I also love how he's really the only one that really got close to killing the bride. She underestimated him because he was living like a piece of shit. So, she got sloppy.

Dapper as fuck suit! Love it. You're happiness is always the biggest thing. Hormones are never really the first step anyways. Usually a provider will want you to indicate that you've been living as a man for some time/have told family and all that stuff before they give hormones. Some places require a mental health