Beatrix Kiddo 9000

It's funny you make an AD reference. After my last exam friday, my friend and I went to a ramen restaurant. We were put at a big community table and ended up chatting with the couple across from us. They asked what we were up to and I just said "Spring Break! WOOO! Judy Greer is flashing us right now."

I had three exams, an assignment, two quizzes, and a standardized patient encounter this past week. So, I didn't really pop culture much. But now I'm on spring break!!! So I'm going to watch a bunch of movies!!! I did make room for "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" and "RuPaul's Drag Race" because they are the two shows that can

It will 100% (ok, 99.99%) sure they will put CXG on Netflix. The fact that the ratings have fluctuated (it's highest rated episode is episode 9 or 10) is pretty rare for a show. Usually the premiere is the highest rated episode of a new season. It shows that people like what they see, most people just don't know it's

Everyone cool lives in DC!!!!!!! (Actually not true, everyone here is the worst but it's a nice city).

YAAAAS RuPaul YAAAS I have a test at 8 am and decided to watch this anyway.

Yeahhhh that one wasn't great either.

False, I love Inside Out more with each viewing. It's a masterpiece.

Writing's on the Wall is probably the worst Bond song ever. How the fuck did that smug piece of shit Sam Smith win? The awkwardness of giving Lady Gaga a standing ovation to her performance to Sam Smith winning was palpable.


There have been reports of bad reactions from overly anxious people blah blah blah antivaxxers suck blah blah blah

This is a verbatim quote from my medical textbook

The avalanche was the final straw for me (but the falling off the cliff on the horse almost got me there). It was too much, and the avalanche specifically served no purpose (unless you want to claim it was a metaphor for Glass' emotions…even if true, it would be silly).

RuPaul's Drag Race is finally returning!!! The gayness inside me was starting to build up ready to burst, like an abdominal aortic aneurysm! It could have also been due to my deep-seated self esteem issues related to the years of repression of my sexuality.

I'm pretty sure The Revenant and Boyhood are the same movie.


When was the last time the movie with the lowest rating on both Rottontomatoes and Metacritic of all the nominees won best picture? I'm just genuinely curious how often that happens (obviously, both websites are new to the past 15ish years so it's not a huge sample size).

Maybe it's not for me. I dig atmospheric movies. Like I said above: First 30 minutes of the Revenant were awesome. It just dragged way too long and put Glass in situations that were ridiculous (the true story, while unbelievable and amazing, is actually less ridiculous)

…..Yeah I was just making a joke? But it seems like you put a lot of thought into this, and I respect that.

We were having fun, VitaminShoe! We were having a moment, and then you had to remind me about our differing opinions of Boyhood.

This is the most pretentious comment I've ever read.