Beatrix Kiddo 9000

Maybe they could have changed the father/son camping trip to the father/son sleep in a horse to avoid hypothermia?

I wasn't expecting the confrontation to have lightsabers. The choreography of the fight was fine, but Leo's final decision I felt didn't quite work. I'm well aware monologues are not required to have a good story. I love movies that can convey a lot of ideas/emotions with little dialogue. I didn't think The Revenant

You are taking my criticism too literally. Every movie has a story (except really abstract, avant-garde movies I suppose)

I'm glad that's what you got out of my post.

Birdman is waaaaaaaaaaay more pretentious than The Revenant.

I'll admit, I was a bit biased against Inarittu for winning best picture and best director over the vastly superior Boyhood. The first 30 minutes of The Revenant are awesome. The battle is intense, the cinematography is insane (using only natural light is completely insane, but the end product is beautiful). Plus, the

Yay to gangly, gay weirdos!

That's a good point. No one can force me to take any medication. I will definitely give it a try if they prescribe it because I pretty much have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Honestly, the idea that people don't constantly have feelings of self-sabotage is crazy to me (and probably a sign that I should get

Thanks! The monthly blood draws for accutane are still annoying (especially for someone who doesn't like needles), but yeah, not having to worry about birthing a blob baby is nice!

Something exotic and sexy (I fall asleep while eating pizza)

Sorry I have been MIA from Savage Love recently. I pretty much have 8 am classes every day, so staying up until 1 am to talk about sad penises (that's what we talk about, right???) is not always practical.

"I decided to go home and punch a body pillow because I felt like such a colossal idiot."

Gingers! Because I find gingers attractive! That's my only reason.

This was literally perfect. I absolutely loved how the throw away characters in the case negotiation scene ended up getting their own song and narrating Rebecca's journey to delete the text.

A tad? Cut 30 minutes and you would still be stretching it.

Same. But, sadly this pretty much seals his fate for the Oscars. There are almost never discrepancies between the DGA and the Oscars.


I saw Carol for a third time, and it cemented my opinion that it is an extraordinary masterpiece and will be remembered more fondly than whatever the fuck wins the Oscar this year (unless Mad Max wins, because that's also amazing).

I would love to come to London!!!!