Beatrix Kiddo 9000

I'm living vicariously through your sex life.

The cougar is the corrupt liberal president!

That's actually exactly what she is going for.

I'll just leave this here:

So glad the treatment is going well so far! Here's hoping that continues!

Blonde hair (dirty blonde too) and tattoos! I don't know why but that just sweeps me off my dainty, gay little feet.

I saw The Artist at the New York Film Festival, prior to a lot of its award buzz. The audience gave it a standing ovation (which seems customary when a movie doesn't suck and the director and cast are in the audience). I remember thinking, "That was cute and enjoyable!" but come award season I was like "FUCK THIS

Honestly the most offensive win goes to Sam Smith's horrible "Writing's on the Wall" winning best original song.

Gaga was legitimately good in the flashback episode of AHS and she has a commanding presence…but yeah, Kirsten Dunst should have had it locked and loaded.

Yeah. It is a cheat. Thought I might be able to get away with it. I'm just too tired/drunk to think of other categories (sound mixing?? That sounds like a thing)

Ok. You're entitled to that opinion. In my opinion, in order for a movie to win best picture it should be more than well made. It should be a good movie. That applies to Mad Max and not The Revenant.

It's the nature of awards season I think. When they prop up one movie and say "This was better than everything else" people will go from "Oh, Birdman was pretty good! Very well made" to "Birdman is the worst piece of shit ever made compared to [insert favorite movie from 2014]."

Better story, better editing, better production design…etc. Just overall better movie, in my opinion.

Imma disagree with you on the story for The Revenant. It was pretty thin for a two hour and 45 minute movie. It got to the point where it was just "CAN YOU SEE LEO SUFFERING?!?!" Yes, we can. Get on with it already. The subplots didn't add much and the ending also didn't work for me.

The Hurt Locker won zero Golden Globes and six Oscars. Just saying! FALSE HOPE IS THE BEST!!!!

Have you met the internet? It over exaggerates a lot (see all my comments on this article for proof).

I will remain better for eternity. Oh, Boyhood, how I love you so.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but The Revenant winning is baffling to me. Gorgeous cinematography and good acting shouldn't propel a film to a win. That's not a "Best Picture." All four of the other films were supremely better, in my opinion, and they give it to The Revenant? Fucking A. Mad Max and Carol are going to be

I was really disappointed with The Hateful Eight except for the performances (JJL and Goggins own it) and the score. I think before the intermission I was pretty happy with the movie (the scene right before in intermission was hilarious and shocking) but everything after that was… it just wasn't good, in my opinion.

I didn't think it was misogynistic (for the reasons you stated) but it also started to become excessive, pointless and gratuitous. Tarantino used to have a point to his violence (there was meaning behind that propelled the story). Here, he did it just for shock value. Daisy is malicious character who is also very